Lumpenbangen Piano Institute
(See Music Downloads Below)
(For Songs see Contact us/Songs) Founded in 2005, the
Lumpenbangen Piano Institute is dedicated to producing original piano
compositions played (a typical Lumpenbangen stroke–deft and brilliant)
on the piano. Dr. Idel Dreimer, a retired High School teacher, the
President of the Institute and Chief Composer, is a graduate of the
University of Toronto and holds the B.Comm. and M. A. degrees from that
Institution. His doctoral certificate in Musicology -- from the Nigerian University
of Musicology -- bears every hallmark of authenticity.
In view of this rather disturbing outcome, we would strongly urge
discretion on the part of all potential listeners. Quite possibly, those
under thirty should not undertake an initial listening without assuring
themselves of the fairly close presence of emergency medical services,
with the usual complement of defibrillators, stimulants, and heart-lung
machines. (We think fifty feet would be about right.)
Do not listen to this music if you have obsessive-compulsive disorder or
perfectionist tendencies.
Post Script: We recognize that some recipients of
our mailed Christmas discs rely on them to get through the Holiday
Season without lapsing into an unhealthy optimism, experiencing
inappropriate feelings of contentment or satisfaction, or becoming
contaminated with a positive view of their fellow human beings. We can
take no responsibility for delays in shipment.
His original compositions are
played on the piano by the much younger, gangly and gap-toothed Rufus
Allthumbs, who very nearly graduated from Elvira Oldenstone Primary
school in South Hoboken, New Jersey. As Rufus likes to tell it, his
grade eight teacher, Miss Shipley, said she had never seen anyone come
quite so close to passing, without actually doing so. Rufus has a very
solid job with E-Z Clean Industrial Cleaners in Hamilton, Ontario, but
finds scope for his musical talents with the Lumpenbangen Institute on a
part-time basis.
Comments on Lumpenbangen Music
Through the admittedly biased eyes
of Dr. Dreimer, much of modern popular music is characterized by a
strong beat, a lack of melody, a strong visual “video” element, and
words that are barely articulated and hence often unintelligible. The
Lumpenbangen music is at a considerable remove from this popular
standard. It focuses chiefly on melody, and is often quiet and
It is, of course, entirely unsuitable for anyone
under twenty years of age, and we would warn of serious consequences
which may ensue in the event of even brief exposure of those in this age
group. According to the eminent neurologist, Dr. Heinrich Von
Klinkenhoffer, the synapses of those whose central nervous systems have
been shaped by the constant bombardment of popular music are in a
weakened and vulnerable state, and even the briefest exposure to a real
melody can have disastrous mental and physical effects.
In the case of his own son, fifteen-year-old Jamie Von Klinkenhoffer, the boy
happened to be in the hallway and overheard a part of the Lumpenbangen
melody “The Pool” which Heinrich was listening to in the living room.
The effect was instantaneous: the unfortunate lad collapsed with an
exclamation, lapsed immediately into an apostrophe, and from there
drifted into a comma in which he has remained for the past two years.
Neither, it
should be noted, is this music suitable for those over sixty years of
age. It is well known that those approaching retirement--and beyond--are
likely to be worried about health, income, and the onset of old age;
they may become preoccupied with significant thoughts about the meaning
of life, wonder whether they should have taken Advanced Anthropology
instead of Commerce and Finance, lived on the East coast of Florida
instead of the West, and become subject to increasing fits of melancholy
and depression. Lumpenbangen Music has been clinically proven to
exacerbate such symptoms.
We are required by the Regulatory
Authorities to make the
following disclaimers:
1. Do not listen to this music if you
take regular medication prescribed by a doctor, herbalist, naturopath,
or veterinarian.
2. Do not play
this music within the hearing range of household pets. Fish in aquaria
and the black hairy giant tarantula may be especially vulnerable.
3. Do not listen to this music if you have musical training, natural
sense of rhythm, or above average pitch perception.
The Lumpenbangen Institute will accept
no responsibility for homicide, fratricide, patricide, or any other cide
or violent acts or anti-social behaviour exhibited by those who have
been exposed to this music.
These melodies may be played or downloaded.
In the interests of full disclosure, it should be noted that with playing of any melody, a modest amount -- a thimbleful, perhaps-- of psychic income may accrue to Dr. Dreimer's pitiful account in the mellow thoughts memory bank. To play a melody, left click on the "(play)" link next to the title.
Similarly, the downloading of any melody may result in a minor jolt of self-esteem for Rufus Allthumbs which will help him to endure the dreariness of his regular employment at the E-Z Clean Industrial Cleaners in Hamilton, Ontario. In order to download a melody, right click on the "(play)" link next to the title.
Xmas 2021 The Lumpenbangen Piano Institute is pleased to present the thirteenth annual Christmas disc of original piano melodies. As usual, they are composed by Dr. Idel Dreimer and played by the Chief Pianist of the Institute, Rufus Allthumbs. There was no disc created last year, because Mr. Allthumbs sustained an injury to one of his thumbs. The injured thumb was in the regular thumb position on his right hand, and made playing difficult. Had it been one of his less-used thumbs B say one of those in the middle of his left hand B some degree of subterfuge might have sufficed to conceal the digital deficit. And again, under ordinary circumstances, a transplant or replacement might have saved the day B but B citing the Plague B all the hospitals we contacted quoted replacement operation dates several years hence. A special meeting of the Lumpenbangen Board was called, and it was decided that the disc could easily be postponed until midsummer. But no date was set, and, as time passed, no occasion seemed ideally convenient. Procrastination, once inhaled, is as habit-forming and tenacious as tobacco. Dr. Dreimer has subsequently observed: AIntentions without deadlines wither in the wastes of idleness and delay,@ AIndustry is the child of urgency,@ AThe ideal moment is never in the present: it beckons from the future or reproaches from the past,@ AHe who waits for inspiration to begin a project fails to understand that beginning comes first,@ A Industry is the father, not the child of inspiration@ B and similar homiletic expressions. He repeats them often. His circle of acquaintance has, inexplicably, diminished considerably. We would like to note that one of the melodies on the disc -- ABach Again@ B was composed in 2008. Rufus has never managed to play the piece with just the right tempo and touch B but we thought we would let him fail again. Consistency B we suppose B will always provide some comfort B regardless of the quality of the outcome. Two of the melodies are improvisations. That means they are the first or second attempt at expressing a musical idea B which B miraculously B has avoided major fumbles, and sounds deliberate and assured. We are usually so grateful for the easy win, that we see no point in trying to organize their somewhat meandering nature. As usual, these discs have been blessed by a Certified Mountain Hermit in a licensed Cave in Pingo-Pongo, and the cases have been washed in the Ganges and sun-dried -- with rosemary leaves B on its banks. However -- because of conditions imposed by the Plague B these rituals have been B as is the current custom B "virtually@ performed. We regret that a strike by the Buddhist Monk Co-operative has prevented even a virtual incantation over the cases. Spectroscopy analysis, however, suggests that the resulting deficiency is, blessedly, minimal.
Selected Titles of 2021 Album
The Lumpenbangen Piano Institute Xmas 2018 For each of the past eleven years, the Lumpenbangen Piano Institute has produced a disc of original music, composed by Dr. Idel Dreimer, and played by Rufus Allthumbs. This year represents a break with that tradition. While Rufus has improved, marginally, in his ongoing battles with the piano, Dr. Dreimer has encountered a significant obstacle. When he opened the Melody Cupboard this year, he found it – although not quite bare – severely understocked – with the meagre contents listless, tiresome, and woefully rumpled at the edges. There were signs of tonal mould and evidence of musical mouse droppings. It was initially thought that no disc should be produced this year. The Board of Directors feared that in the competitive – even cutthroat – world of musical competition, an inferior disc might prove fatal to the reputation of the Institute. Dr. Dreimer, however, was reluctant. As usual, his focus was on the compassionate and humanitarian purpose of the Corporation: the creation of gloomy melodies to serve as a counterbalance to the enforced jollity and false bonhomie of the Christmas season – a valuable resource to those dangerously vulnerable to excessive elation. Caught between the need to preserve the integrity of the Institute, and the demand to assist those needy and at risk, he wracked his brains for a solution. His brains, never robust, and resistant to even modest amounts of stretching, began to buckle under the strain. In the end, it was Marco, the resident feline – the newest member of the Board of Directors -- who proposed a solution: the production of a retrospective collection. Thus, we are pleased to present two discs this year. The first features melodies from 2009 to 2014. The second disc represents the years from 2015 to the present; the last three melodies are from the current year, 2018.* Despite the relative lack of new material, our commitment to our traditions has not faltered: each disc has been blessed by a certified member of the Holy Mountain Hermit Professional Association, living in an accredited cave in Pongo-Pongo. The cases have been washed in the powerful Staples Current of the sacred Ganges, and been subjected to the magical emanations – CSA approved – created by a standard Class II Incantation of the World Buddhist Monk Co-Operative.
*Editor’s note: The fact that the first two melodies from 2018 are entitled "Improv I" and "Improv II" – and the third is based on the theme from "The Summer of ‘42"– suggests the seriousness of the decline in Dr. Dreimer’s creative powers.
Disc One
1. Light on Dark Waters (play) 2. Cascading light, Dappled Ground (play) 3. Sail Away (play) (replayed) 4. This Song, My Song (play) 5. All the World Gone By (play) 6. Celtic Lament (play) 7. Our Revels Now are Ended (play) 8. Candlelight Blues (play) 9. Elizabethan Dance (play) 10. Sunlit Waters (play) 11. Midnight Blues (play) (replayed) 12. A Certain Slant (play) Disc Two 1. Spring Breeze (play) 2. It’s Getting Late (play) 3. Winterscape (play) 4. The Wheel (play) 5. On the Chinese Screen (play) 6. Starlight Caprice (play) 7. Butterfly (play) 8. Bittersweet (play) 9. Summer’s End (play) (replayed) 10. Improv I 11. Improv II (play) 12. The Summer of ‘43 (play)
The Lumpenbangen Piano Institute -- 2017 CD We are pleased to present selections from the 2017 Christmas CD entitled Starlight Caprice. It should be noted that all titles for the melodies are devised after composition. The first track on the CD seemed to suggest a haunting vision of the stars -- an odd, languid prism of melancholic detachment. Unable to squeeze such pretentiousness into the title, Dr. Dreimer settled on Starlight Caprice: Perceptions in a Minor Key. In recent years, we have felt that some of our melodies have been insufficiently melancholic and depressing; little dollops of normality have, disturbingly, been creeping in. Since the purpose of the disc is to serve as a helpful counter-balance to the enforced jollity and desperate expressions of cheerfulness of the Christmas season, this failure has been troublesome. We are most gratified that, with this disc, the high standard of melancholic gloom seems to have been restored. A happy but unintended consequence seems to be that the melodies, taken as a whole, have a remarkably useful therapeutic effect: the disc appears to be a wonderful cure for occasional sleeplessness or even chronic insomnia. Extensive clinical work at the Lumpenbangen Laboratories have shown that the disc is more effective than almost all popular brands of sleeping pills in inducing an easy and untroubled sleep. We are also pleased to be able to assure listeners that, in spite of rising costs, our dedication to the many important mystical rituals employed in the production of each disc is undiminished. Although it is increasingly difficult to find holy hermits living on nuts, berries, and roots in their mountain caves – and their rates have soared accordingly – each plastic disc has been appropriately blessed by an acknowledged leader in the mountain hermit field. Despite the cost of travelling to India, the awkwardness of dipping the plastic jewel cases in the Ganges without getting wet, and the soaring rates charged by Buddhist monks for their somewhat obscure incantations, we are able to confirm that -- with respect to each and every one of these inspirational discs -- our diligence in such matters is unchanged from that observed with previous releases. A list of titles may be found on the right hand side of this page.
1. Starlight Caprice: Perceptions in a Minor Key. (play) 2. Bittersweet (play) 3. Time and Tide (play) 4. The Last Flower (play) 5. At the Ball (play) 6. Butterfly (play) 7. Castle Garden Walk (play) 8. The Bright Tomorrow (play) 9. Summer Glory (play) 10. Summer's End (play) |
The Lumpenbangen Piano Institute We are pleased to present the 2016 Xmas CD, entitled Winterscape. The title was selected at the annual Meeting of the Board of Directors, which is held every year in early December -- as soon as Mr. Althumbs has completed his playing of the melodies. As usual, the title was drawn from a hatful of suggestions made by the Lumpenbangen staff. It is a vile rumour that some make their suggestions without actually hearing any of the melodies. In previous years, there has been much acrimonious discussion over the titling of the disc. Words – hurtful words – have been hurled which have made contact with exposed feelings of exceptional fragility; it has been claimed – by the victims – that certain self-esteems have been significantly compromised. In view of the prevailing temper of the times, in which it is agreed that harmony is the chief good to which mankind can aspire, it was decided that this year, no discussion would take place: the first title to be drawn would be selected. Thus anyone attempting to visualize a winter landscape or even an escape from winter while listening to the title track, may not be entirely successful. However, we have no doubt that the attempt will be a worthwhile exercise of the imagination. Unfortunately, once a concession to fashion is made in one area, it may seem foolish to insist on obsessive traditional values and persnickety standards elsewhere. Usually, each subsequent title on these famed Lumpenbangen discs is selected through a rigorous protocol which involves Dr. Dreimer’s sitting in the lotus position, with his eyes fixed upon the ceiling for at least three minutes. For this disc, Dr. Dreimer assumed the omphaloskepsis position for less than two. We should hasten to assure the recipients of these discs that no other compromises have been made: the discs have all been blessed by a registered Scientologist, and the plastic jewel cases have been washed in the Ganges. Dr. Dreimer has composed each melody using the traditional Mayan algorithms, and Rufus Allthumbs has played them in his own – fortunately inimitable – style. We are also pleased to announce that we have begun to take steps – small steps, to be sure – to raise the quality of the melodies on these highly regarded CDs. Dr. Dreimer had composed -- and Rufus had played – fifteen melodies in total. One was rejected on grounds of general tiresomeness, one because of Mr. Allthumbs’ lack of manual dexterity, and the other for a profound deficiency in the area of the crucially important gluteus musicalis. We cannot predict – at this point -- whether the increasingly high expectations of the modern musical audience may lead to a higher quality of musical composition, or simply a diminution in the number of melodies accepted for each Xmas disc.
A Selection from the 2016 Xmas CD
Winterscape (Play) The Wheel (Play) Summing Up (Play) Riding the Wave (Play) Winter Reverie (Play) The Ascent (Play) On the Chinese Screen (Play)* "For Once, Then, Something" (Play)*
*Played on the 1912 Gerhard Heintzman |
A Selection from the 2015 Xmas CD Spring Breeze (play) Backward Glance (play) Wood Sprite (play) Fallingwater Brook (play) Easy Street (play) Rainy Day Reflections (play) |
Fireside Reverie (play) Fleeting Fragment (play) All the Old Familiar Places (play) Antiguan Memory (play) Gerhard Gesture (play) It's Getting Late (play) |
A Selection from the 2014 Xmas CD A Certain
Slant (play)
("There's a certain slant of light/ On winter afternoons Country Ramble (play) Happy Foot Hop (play) Turning Wheel (play) Rainy Panes (play) Toy Dancer (play) |
Summer Shores (play) Ember Reverie (play) Old Time Piano* (play) Sachet* (play) Sepia Tones* (play) *Played on the 1912 Gerhard Heintzman |
The Lumpenbangen Piano Institute 2013 Xmas CD Once again, the Lumpenbangen Piano Institute has created a special Compact Disc for the Christmas Season. The title of this year’s disc is Elizabethan Dance – a title carefully chosen to ensure an immediate popular appeal and subsequent long lasting success in the public sphere.* Of the eleven tracks on the disc, ten represent new melodies composed by Dr. Dreimer. The last track, Summer Wine appeared on the 2010 disc, Light on Dark Waters. On that disc, the melody was very brief, but seemed worthy of elaboration. Of course, it may well be that history will decide that the shorter any Dreimer composition, the better. We can only make decisions which seem appropriate in the light of our present imperfect knowledge. We are not certain, but we have the distinct impression that the melodies on this disc do not reach the standard of melancholy which we have always managed to attain in the past. It has always been our aim, with each Christmas disc, to tap into the deep-rooted misery and sadness of every day life which is an unremitting constant – a constant but poorly masked by the enforced jolliness and bonhomie of the season. If, in this instance, our standards of gloom have not been met, we can only endeavour to create music in the coming year which will inspire a greater depression and a more profound despair for the Christmas of 2014. Here are the titles of the melodies. As usual, most of the titles
have been developed by staring at the ceiling with a sense of urgency
inspired by the Christmas mailing deadline. *When one considers the nearest contenders, Sex in Miami and Cocaine Carousel, the decision of the Lumpenbangen Board of Directors appears to have been a no-brainer. |
1. Elizabethan Dance
(play) 2. One Bright Day (play) 3. Memory Chain (play) 4. Old Roots, New Flowers (play) 5. Moonlight on Velvet (play) 6. Clockwork Rabbit (play) 7. Tranquility Bay (play) 8. Frippery Walk (play) 9. Midnight Blues (play) (replayed 2018) 10. Sunlit Waters (play) 11. Summer Wine (play)
Earlier Melodies
1. All that Jazz. (Early) Dr. Dreimer was fooling around
with a couple of chords from Sentimental Journey when they morphed into
this uncharacteristically energetic piece. It developed through the
usual inexplicable intuitive process through which the human mind
creates. As Archibald MacLeish would say--it does not mean, it
is. play |
2. Earth, Sea and Stars. play |
3. Mirage. This is the title track from the
2007 Xmas CD. The melody begins, gently, remotely, as if a faint
appearance on the horizon. In time, it becomes stronger, and more fully
realized, the powerful answer, perhaps, to the desperately thirsty
desert traveller--or possibly just an object of idle curiosity to those
comfortably ensconced in an air-conditioned Escalade. Soon, however, the
vision, like all mirages, quickly fades, and returns to the emptiness
from which it emerged. play |
4. Photo Album. (2008) The photo album is a gateway to
memory. The book is retrieved from its place on the shelf, the dust
brushed away, and the gate, with a sense of wonder, opened. Within is
the quiet, rueful magic of the past: the Christmas of so many years
ago--toys piled high under the tree; our parents when they were so very
young; the wedding; the fabulous trip; the old flame. It is not reality,
but the static echo of it, of a world that no longer exists, but which,
sometimes, we wish we could once more inhabit.
play |
5. Study in Blue. (2007) It is summer. The sun
has finally gone down and the street is dark. Some of the leaded glass
windows on the main floor of the mansion are open, allowing a clear view
into what appears to be a panelled library, with old leather-bound
volumes seeming to be in preponderance. Although it is not visible,
there must also be a piano in the room, for the sounds, filtered by the
windows, and the adjacent trees, wend their way to the darkened
streetscape. No, it’s not Summertime, when the living is
easy--but rather the quiet melancholy of Study in Blue.
play |
6. Thoughts for a Rainy Day. This is the title track from
the Lumpenbangen midsummer 2008 CD. In the garden, petals and leaves
give way to, then accommodate, the rain. It is Sunday afternoon; the
bustle of the old week has faded, that of the new seems remote. It’s not
really a good time for a walk, and the book has fallen aside. Now is the
time for looking at the grey sky, the garden beyond the window, and
drifting into the quiet thoughts of a rainy day.
play |
7. Reverie. Another very early work, replayed
and improvised by Rufus for this compilation. Our thoughts are
repetitive, meandering unfocussed. A quiet melody in the background
mirrors the time--a time to luxuriate in leisure. The past is there--and
the future, but not the antithetical reality of the present; wishes and
dreams are the stuff of reverie. play |
8. Sail Away. (2009) The bags are packed, the boat readied with provisions. The sun, once more, is in the ascendant. The breeze is rising; ripples flash in the sunlight. In the bustle of preparation, a sense of expectancy pervades: the sea is a great welcoming future which beckons us forward. Now it is time to sail away to that “untravell’d world whose margin fades/ For ever and for ever when [we] move.” (play) (replayed 2018) |
9. This Song, My Song. (2009) play | 10. Here’s To You! (2009) You may ask why we have arranged
this meeting. Well, it’s simply to express our admiration! Here is a
toast--I’m sure, somehow, it’s champagne--to you!
play |
11. Old Brewery Bay. (2009) For Dr. Dreimer, the melodies always come first, and the titles are attached, sometimes with much difficulty, afterwards. This melody had already been composed when Dr. Dreimer, a long time fan of Canada’s best-known humorist, Stephen Leacock, had occasion to visit, once again after a lapse of many years, Professor Leacock’s summer home on Old Brewery Bay in Orillia. He was impressed again, by the house and grounds on a considerable private acreage on Lake Couchiching, and could not help but reflect upon the era which it seems to represent--a less complicated time when it was possible to repair to an idyllic retreat for an entire summer of fishing, swimming, games, and “flannelled idleness”--as Leacock did when he was a professor at McGill. The melody seemed appropriate to the tranquility of the setting and the 1920's atmosphere of the house. play | 12. The Pool. (2009--for G.B.P.) This is a dark jewel,
suddenly encountered in the woods. But it is not bling, rather, shaded,
sombre, and mysterious, its origin and depth unknown, and despite its
modest size, a symbol of other majestic unknowables--life--love--the
cosmos itself. play |
Breeze at Midnight. (2009) Like Reverie, this is a Rufus
improvisation. It begins with a playful, gentle breeze on a summer’s
night. But the witching hour is more than a time for playful breezes; it
brings its own complement of malign spirits. The melody is overtaken,
drawn downwards by dark forces, and, after struggling away briefly,
spirals inexorably into the vortex, into the “heart of an impenetrable
darkness.” play |
14. Friday Night at Midnight (Friday Night Again) (2007) Dr. Dreimer began to write this piece as a song: Maria del Carmen is drawn irresistibly to Louie’s Bar and Piano Lounge in downtown Hamilton, where, many moons ago, she met the devastatingly handsome Carlos. Inexplicably, he left one day on a train bound for Medicine Hat (or possibly Moose Jaw). He has never returned. Although she knows she is foolish, Maria returns to Louie’s again and again on a Friday night hoping that, just as he did so long ago, Carlos will come through the door at eleven o’clock: their eyes will meet; their romance will live again. Carlos, of course, has never returned, and Dr. Dreimer has never completed the words to the song. But, one day, perhaps, on a Friday night...who knows....? play |
Imagine a sailboat on a wide, calm sea, gently rocked by smooth swells. Occasionally a puff of wind pulls listlessly at the sails, but then dissipates before motion can be achieved. A longer rally of the breeze fills the sails, gives hope, but then dissolves like a mist at sunrise; the sails are empty, the sailboat as before, becalmed. play
17. Light on Dark Waters (2010) play | 18. Moonlight: The Water Garden of Zen Chou Lai (2010) play |