INDEX 2012 (Diary & Drivel to December
31, 2012)
Parole hearings. Diary, January 18
Differential sentencing. Diary, March 25
Socialist Paradise. Teresa Spence. Diary, December 28
Gordian Knot of aboriginal affairs. Drivel, December 29
Environmentalists questioned at last. Diary, January 14
Scientific method has uphill battle. Diary, February 5
Environmentalists as Luddites. Diary, February 24
Sun affects earth temperature. Diary, March 7
Arguments against alarmists. Diary, March 8
David Suzuki steps down. Diary, March 23
Earth Hour. Diary, March 31
As religion. Diary, April 12
Suzuki steps down. Diary, April 14
Demon Coal on CBC. Diary, April 17
James Lovelock recants. Diary, May 2
U.N. Agenda 21 Maurice Strong. Diary, May 22
Sensible climate conference. Diary, May 24
CBC living in the past. McKitrick. Diary, June 21
Failure of Rio + 20. Maurice Strong. Diary, June 22
Change in views of climate change. Diary, August 16
Scientists scold Ban Ki-Moon. Diary, November 30
Concert by Paul Simon. Drivel, January 8
Sunshine Sketches TV broadcast. Diary, February 13
Love from Afar (Opera) Drivel, February 16
William Kurelek exhibition. Diary, March 9
Henry V Stratford. July 23
Festival/Bay Street Cafe Parry Sound. Diary, July 31
Shoppers Drug Mart ads. Drivel, September 23
Perversity of auto design. Diary, October 26
La Bottine Souriante. Diary, Drivel, December 9
Of Comics, Comedians. Drivel, December 14
Diary, January -
June, 2012 July - December,
Drivel, January - June,
2012 July -
December, 2012
Kashigari doubts religion in Saudi Arabia. Diary, February 10
Zhu Yufu jailed in China for poem. Diary, February 14
Anti-Islam ad refused. Diary, March 17
Swinimer Jesus shirt. Diary, May 4, 5, 8
Free speech O.K. as long as not hurtful. Diary, September 14
Inability to see Innocence as individual expression. Diary,
September 15, 18
Blasphemy in Pakistan. Diary, September 20, 21, 22, 23
Anti-jihad subway poster. Diary, September 25
No freedom to criticize Islam. Obama against slander. Diary, September
Subway Poster "racist." Diary, September 29
Terry Jones denied entry to Canada. Diary, October 12
Boissoin wins case against HRC. Diary, October 20
The horror of Indian Summer, Giver. October 23
Free speech at universities abysmal. Diary, November 1
Censorship of Michael Mason. Diary, November 4
South Stormont will not restrict language. Diary, November 12
Civility Clause at Queen's. Diary, November 13
Language police and other idiocies. Diary, November 20
Social Justice movement in schools. Diary, February 2
Religious Courses in Quebec. Diary, February 18, 29
Drawing of gun leads to arrest. Diary, March 1
Ted Thorne supports Conservatives. Diary April 19
Swinimer Jesus shirt. Diary, May 4
Social activism in schools. (Grove Community) Diary, May 9
Shaken teacher syndrome (Quebec professors). Diary, May 16
Gay/straight alliance clubs. Diary, May 31
Awarding zeros in Edmonton. Diary, June 3
Self Esteem flagging (McCullogh speech). Diary, June 12
Bullying of bus monitor. Diary, June 23
Lynden Dorval zero policy. Diary, August 31
Dorval/Bradley: policies in real world. Drivel, August 31
How children succeed. Diary, September 4
Lynden Dorval suspension. Diary, September 11
O.K. to miss Remembrance Day. Diary, November 8
TDSB found deficient in planning and budgets. Diary, December 7
Diary, January -
June, 2012 July - December,
Drivel, January - June,
2012 July -
December, 2012
Profiling decision overturned. Diary, February 15
Equality for criminals needed. Diary, March 2
In Healthcare. Diary, April 4
Hate crimes. Diary, April 11
Compelled liberalism. Jonas. Dairy, August 22
Advanced Leadership Program. Diary, January 5
Caledonia, Diary, January 11
Government handouts/programs cost freedom. Diary, January 14.
Lucy the Goose. Diary, January 19, 25
Ian Thomson self-defence. Diary, February 3
McGuinty syndrome. Diary, February 4
Put government in charge of food. Diary, February 8
Ballooning deficits. Diary, February 16
Best suited to choose industries. Diary, February 21
Arrest of Edward Raflant. Diary, March 12
How Green is my McGuinty. Drivel, March 13
Policing overtaken by politics. Diary, March 18
Quotas for women in boardroom. Diary, March 21
Government & healthcare. Diary, March 21
Citizens should not protect themselves. Diary, April 15
Andrewe Coyne loss of freedom. Diary, June 26
Market vs. government, healthcare and housing. Diary, July 14
Canadian vs. U.S. attitudes to guns. Diary, July 19
Forbidden oil paint. Diary, August 3
Tenant legislation, Diary, August 14
The Savannah and the Hive. Drivel, August 18
Everything worth thinking about. Drivel, October 21
Warning labels on Pizza boxes. Diary, October 24
Attitude to firearms v. U.S. Diary, November 3
Meddling to provide security; food labels. Diary, November 15
Coercive nature, lack of equality, Diary, January 4
Idealistic principles proposed. Diary, January 16
H5N1 threat. Diary, January 17
The patient comes first. Diary, February 7
Put government in charge of food. Diary, February 8
Patient must be able to direct funds. Fireplace tools. Diary, February
Little improvement in access. Diary, March 22
Equality in. Diary, April 4
Private Insurance advocated. Diary, April 25, June 8
Saturated fat. Diary, June 13
Challenge to Alberta law forbidding insurance. Diary, July, 11
Disadvantages of private insurance. Diary, July 14
Our many Health care Options. Drivel, July 29
The Savannah and the Hive. Drivel, August 18
Advantages of Cymbalta. Diary, August 7
Central Planning Mind-Set. Diary, August 17
Beating the system. It's whom you know. Diary, August 18
Warning labels on pizza boxes. Diary, October 24
Karen Dockrill moving to Buffalo. Diary, October 30
Patients record health care workers. Diary, November 28
Multiple Personality Disorder. Diary, December 10
Diary, January -
June, 2012 July - December,
Drivel, January - June,
2012 July -
December, 2012
Irrationality of intelligent beings. Diary, January 2.
Free alcohol for Alcoholics. Diary, January12
Silly ideas trump science. Diary, February 5
Luddites and optimists. Diary, February 24
Reflection on the hive, propensities of bees. Drivel, February 24
Extraordinary popular delusions. Diary, March 8
Fanshawe College riots. Diary, March 20
Failure of bullshit detector. Diary, March 24
Men believe not the reasonable, but the desirable. Diary, March 30
Mea culpa for human existence. Diary, March 31
The appeal of smashing things. Diary, April 2
Spoiled brattishness. Diary, April 21, 28
Aspirations to special destiny. Diary, April 30
The mea culpa phenomenon. Warfare of the mind. Diary, May 3
Hubris of the psychiatrists. Vince Li. Diary, May 15
Bullshit detectors and receptors. Diary, May 24
Self-esteem movement losing assurance. Diary, June 12
Belief in nonsense. Diary, June 13
Bullying of bus monitor. Original sin. Diary June 23
The Savannah and the Hive. Drivel, August 18
Pitfalls of idealism. Diary, October 13
Giving up liberty for security. Diary, October 15
Everything worth Thinking about. Diary, Drivel, October 21
Emotion vs. logic, healthcare, HRC, speech. Diary, November 4
Skullduggery. Diary, November 21
Dictatorial benevolence; Morsi. Diary, November 25
Mayan Calendar prediction. Diary, December 21
Horoscope predictions. Diary, December 31
Profiling decision overturned. Diary, February 15
Pamela Howson parking spot. Diary, March 10
Shakedown of Arnon Levy. Diary, April 20
Hierarchy of rights (barbershop) Diary, December 1
Complaint about Albino Rhino beer. Diary, December 20
A Tale from the Root Cause Fairy. Drivel, January 11
Atheists as disadvantaged group. Drivel, January 21
Carnography. Diary, February 27
Plagiarism at publishing house. Diary, March 5
How green is my McGuinty. Drivel, March 13
Honesty in naming. Diary, April 20
Religious proselytizing shirts. Diary, May 4
Squirm and Ho-Hum. Drivel, July 24
Our many Health Care Options. Drivel, July 29
Dorval/Bradley policies in real world. Drivel, August 31
Lumpenbangen Site yanked. Drivel, October 3
Cereal Killers on the Loose. Drivel, October 11
Audio readings mailbag. Drivel, December 19, 30
Diary, January -
June, 2012 July - December,
Drivel, January - June,
2012 July -
December, 2012
Social Justice movement in schools. Diary, February 2
Judge biased against criminals. Diary March 2
Suzuki as left wing shill. Diary, March 24
Mulcair and the party of big brother. Diary, March 26
Obama's collective Vision vs. Darwin Diary, July 18
Firearms through political prism. Diary, July 24
Left Wing Housing. (Danzig) Diary, July 26
Obama, "You didn't build that." Diary, October 4
Left wing intolerance in debate. Diary, November 1
Obama typically left wing. Diary, November 6
Ford ouster revenge of left. Diary, November 27
Increase in Visits from January. Drivel, February 1
Rise in Visits in September. Drivel, October 1
Commitment to excellence. Drivel, December 15
Audio readings Mailbag. Drivel, December 19, 30
Shafia murder trial. Diary, January 13
Policing overtaken by politics. Diary, March 18
Terry Nelson to visit Iran. Diary, March 19
Aboriginal "differential sentencing." Diary, March 25
Barbarians at the gate. Diary, March 29
Veiled women in Belgium. Diary, June 7
Veiled 14-year-old at liquor store. Diary, July 25
When in Rome... Cdn. values dog walk. Diary, August 25
Multiculturalism bar to dealing with Islam. Mansur. Diary, October 19
Halloween costumes banned in school. Diary, November 2
Niqab decision by supreme court. Diary, December 22
How Green is my McGuinty? Drivel, March 13
Malton Deguinty. Drivel, January 11
The Devil in the Principle. Drivel, January 24, 25, 26, 27
Birth Date as identifier. Diary, January 28, February 9, March 3
Correct use of fulsome. Diary, February 11. Drivel, February 11
The New Age. Drivel, March 11
Hydro One. Diary, March 13
David Suzuki Under scrutiny Diary, March 23, 24
Plagiarism. Diary, March 28
World Happiness Report. Diary, April 3
The use of "like" as conjunction. Diary, April 13
Suzuki steps down. Diary, April 14
Bev Oda. Diary, April 27
Quebec as spoiled teenager. Diary, May 14
Fictions, convenient and necessary. Drivel June 2
Trudeau leadership bid. Diary, June 5, 14
CBC broadcast: Invisible Hand. Diary, June 28
Omar Khadr -- the two views. Diary, July 21
Darwinian reality in the rock. Diary, August 1
Plagiarism, Zakaria, Baker. Diary, August 11
Car design. Diary, August 19
Barrier to Railway tracks. Diary, August 20
Real vs. ideal. Religion. Diary, August 24
Layton sainthood and blueprint. Drivel, August 26
Sending e-mail to M. Wente. Diary, September 5
Trudeau to enter leadership race. Diary, September 7
Santa smoke free. Diary, September 19
Omar Khadr, Justin Trudeau. Diary, September 30
Obama, "you didn't build that." Diary, October 4
Trudeau bid. Diary, October 4, 5
Truth about Khadr. Diary, October 13
Giving up liberty for security. Diary, October 15
McGuinty resigns. Diary, October 16, 17
Khadr to be charged with treason? Diary, October 19
Khadr supported by gay atheist. Diary, October 22
Perversity auto design. Diary, October 26
Sub-optimal President (Obama) Benghazi. Drivel, October 27
Decline of civilization. Drivel, December 4
Attitude to firearms vs. U.S. Diary, November 3
Acorn allergy; tyranny of minority. Diary, November 14, 23
Trudeau anti-west comments. Diary, November 24
Plagiarism. Clinton Beckford U. Windsor. Diary, December 13
Diary, January -
June, 2012 July - December,
Drivel, January - June,
2012 July -
December, 2012
Aboriginal parole hearings. Diary, January 18
Shafia murders. Diary, January 31
"Chink in the armour." Diary, February 25
Drawing of gun leads to arrest. Diary, March 1
Muslimization of police. Diary, March 15
Policing overtaken by politics. Diary, March 18
Quotas for women in boardroom. Diary, March 21
Aboriginal "differential sentencing." Diary, March 25
Advertisement for Islam. Diary, April 5
Hijab wearing lawyer. Diary, May 9
Police favour Iran protestors. Diary, August 21
Compelled liberalism. Jonas. Diary, August 22
Santa Smoke free. Diary, September 19
Subway jihad poster "racist." Diary, September 29
The horror of Indian Summer, giver. Diary, October 23
Halloween costumes banned in school. Diary, November 2
Censorship of Michael Mason, Queen's. Diary, November 4
O.K. to miss Remembrance Day. Diary, November 8
Hierarchy of rights at barber shop. Diary, November 19
Objections to buses with "Merry Christmas." Diary, December 19
On Religion in the Schools. Drivel, January 9, 10
Atheists as a disadvantaged group. Drivel, January 21
Saskatchewan to fund faith schools. Turbans. Diary, January 9
Jonathan Kay offended by atheists. Diary, January 20, 23
New New Atheism. Drivel, February 4.
Kashigari doubts in Saudi Arabia. Diary, February 10
Exemption from religious courses denied. Diary, February 18, 29
Muslim judge favours attacker in U.S. Diary, February 28
Faith based witchcraft. Diary, March 4
Muslimization of police. Diary, March 15
Anti-Islam ad refused. Diary, March 17
Mohammed Merah on mission. Diary, March 27
Flaws of Islam. Diary, March 27
Advertisement for Islam. Diary, April 5
Religion for Atheists. Diary, April 8
The religious impulse. Diary, April 12
Omar Khadr coming home. Diary, April 23
Gospel of Mark. Diary, April 29
Atheist quotations. Diary, May 7
Swinimer saga. Diary, May 8
Gay marriage. Famous homosexuals. Diary, May 11
The Pope's butler did it. Diary, May 27
Blasphemy in Indonesia. Diary, May 29
Gay/straight alliance clubs. Diary, May 31
Veiled women in Belgium. Diary, June 7
Trade freedom for security. Diary, June 26
Epomis beetle and Anglican Hymn. Diary, July 8, 2012
RCMP fears inflaming Muslims. Diary July, 16
Free Bibles in schools. Diary, August 30
Wiccan prison chaplain no longer needed. Diary, September 6
Innocence of Muslims cause of Embassy attack. Diary, September 12
Suggestion Innocence film not be shown. Dairy, September 14
Clash of Superstition and rationality. Diary, September 15, 18
Blasphemy; "peaceful Muslim protest." Diary, September 20, 21, 22, 23
Obama olive branch to Muslims. Diary, September 24
Jihad. Diary, September 25
Islam allows no criticism. Obama rejects slander Prophet. Diary,
September 26
Subway poster "racist." Diary, September 29
Terry Jones denied entry to Canada. Diary, October 12
Everything worth thinking about. Drivel, October 21
Boissoin wins case against HRC. Diary, October 20
Chances of democracy in Egypt. Diary, December 6
Objections to buses with "Merry Christmas. " Diary, December 19
Religion in decline in Canada. Diary, December 23
Says no radio signals soon. Diary, January 1
Despnigglecnut term of opprobrium. Diary, February 26
Murphy's view of car design. Diary, August 19
Offensive word list. Diary, February 25
Declaration of Happiness. Diary, April 3
Olivier de Schutter, food bureaucrat. Diary, May 17
Agenda 21. Maurice Strong. Diary, May 22
U.N. to run Internet. Mugabe ambassador. Diary, June 1
As a flawed institution. Larry Miller. Diary, June 10
U.N. criticism Quebec protest law. Diary, June 25
Iran and Syria honoured. Diary, July 10, 2012
Sudan, Mugabe, Libya, North Korea, IPCC, Agenda 21. Diary, November 11
Move to control internet, tax smokes. Diary, November 16, 17
Scientists scold Ban Ki-Moon. Diary, November 30
Agenda 21, control of Internet. Diary, December 16 |