Lumpenbangen Piano Institute



Less a Place than a State of Mind


Note: There are a few Audio Readings on the Site:

How Green is My McGuinty  -- Drivel, March 13, 2012
David Bullzuki and the Apocalyptic Wizards -- Drivel, December 3, 2011
There are Windmills at the Bottom of our Garden -- Drivel, November 21, 2011
Oh, we love to do the Laundry after Midnight -- Drivel, October 30, 2011
The Explanation of ...Everything -- Drivel, July 18, 2011
Prayer to Murphy -- Drivel, March 20, 2011

The Valley of Hythlos -- Drivel, March 9, 2011
Letter to Maria Duval -- Drivel, December 30, 2010

Additional note: All readings are done by Dr. Dreimer. Since privacy and security
concerns are paramount at the Institute, Dr. Dreimer wears the traditional Burka
for all readings, and his voice is transmogrified in a Roland A-235 Transmogrifier.
The effect is to alter his normally youthful and vibrant voice to that of a retired
Professor of moribund languages (setting #8 on the Transmogrifier).



INDEX 2013  (Diary and Drivel, January to December)


Teresa Spence phony hunger strike.  Diary, January 3, January 28
Spence ultimatum to Harper.  Diary, January 4
The aboriginal mess.  Diary, January 5
Paul Martin hops on Spence bandwagon.  Diary, January 7
Chris Burke view of Native Tactics Diary, January 8
Police fail to stop blockades.  Diary, January 9
Aboriginal fantasies.  Diary, January 12
Carolyn Bennett, Liberal fawner.  Diary, January 14
Police and native protests.  Diary, January 19
Racism at core of claims.  Diary, January 20
Blockade of Mine near Attawapiskat.  Diary, February 15
Injunction against blockade taken down. Diary, February 18
Liberal Government acknowledges traditional Mississauga territory.  Diary, February 20
Police (Lewis) cowed by aboriginal might. Diary, February 23
Spence grandstanding.  Diary, February 26
Bob Rae seizes aboriginal entrepreneurial opportunity.  Diary, March 10
Wynne obsession with aboriginal lands.  Diary, March 11
The peculiar need to refer to indigenous lands.  Drivel, March 13
Opposition to pipelines. Dairy, March 21
The new racism, aboriginals revered and above the law.  Diary, July 28
Wynne refuses to close burger shack.  Diary, September 19

Diary, January - June
            3rd Q

Drivel, January -June
            July - December


Argumentum ad populum fallacy. (97% of scientists.)  Diary, February 6
Climate skepticism the new sin.  Drivel, March 19
The new religion.  Diary, March 23
Hockey stick graph exposed.  Diary, April 2
Globe and Mail uncritical interview with Al Gore.  Diary, May 5
Media attitudes.  Diary, May 9
Obama on climate change. Diary, July 7
Ghomeshi on climate change.  Diary, July 10
Failure of "scientific" forecasts.  Diary, July 11
Tough times for alarmists. The 97% myth.  Diary, September 16
Suzuki exposed in Australia.  Diary, September 25
Fanatics.  Diary, September 27
Judith Curry says kill the IPCC.  Diary, October 1
Suzuki the opportunist.  Diary, October 13
Sun activity suggest approaching little ice age. Diary, November 2
Rebick laments climate change.  Diary, November 15
The two universes of climate change.  Drivel, November 26
Bulb ban.  Diary, December 14  Drivel December 20


Murder, she wrote. Drivel, November 15



Student (Megan Thode) sues university for poor grades. Diary, February 14
Toronto School Board incompetence and folly.  Diary, March 3
Achievement tests too stressful in Alberta.  Diary, May 12
Man-as-piano key response to student hero.  Diary, June 1
Saving children from failure.  Diary, June 12
Liz Sandals hasn't read curriculum.  Diary, July 23
Back to basics in math.  Diary, September 14
Honour roll suspended in Calgary elementary school.  Diary, October 30
Declining literacy and numeracy. (Manley) Diary, November 30

Diary, January - June
            3rd Q

Drivel, January -June
            July - December


Arun Smith Carleton University removes free speech wall.  Diary, January 24
Not understood on University campuses.  Diary, February 10
Supreme Court upholds hate speech against Whatcott.  Diary, February 28
Supreme Court limits to free speech.  Diary, March 5
Pastagate in Quebec.  Diary, March 12
Geller ads withdrawn in San Francisco. Benghazi. Universities. Diary, March 15
Free speech wall removed at Queen's.  Diary, April 4
Geller barred in Thornhill. Diary, May 2
Tolerance and religion.  Diary, June 19
Cyberbullying in Nova Scotia.  Diary, August 15



Hypocrisy of equality claim.  Diary, February 2
Power imbalance in Healthcare. U.K.  Diary, February 7
A tale of two cardiologists.  Drivel, February 8
Putting the patient first.  Drivel, March 2
Conrad Black eye operation.  Diary, April 16
Dangers of monopoly.  Diary, April 30
Canadian doctor in N.Y. treats waiting Canadians.  Diary, August 24
Deliberately flawed research gets publication offers.  Diary, October 2
Socialism and capitalism. Drivel, October 19
The siren call of the five year plan.  Diary, October 11
Albertans challenge ban on private insurance.  Diary, October 17
Obamacare.  Diary, October 19
Touching devotion to central planning (on part of central planners). Diary, October 29
Glaxo to retrench marketing to doctors.  Diary, December 18

Diary, January - June
            3rd Q

Drivel, January -June
            July - December


Illusion cause of mischief.  Diary, January 12
The role of half-belief in illusions.  Diary, January 21
Why should stupidity be unequally distributed? Diary, January 22
Underdoggitis.  Drivel, January 25
Ideal dreams vs. human nature -- healthcare.  Diary, February 2
Canadians favour Trudeau -- are they mad?  Diary, February 9
Attempt to remove competition from sport.  Diary, February 24
Desire for euphemism.  Diary, March 16
Optimism kills.  Diary, March 29
Misery from illusion. Diary, April 6, 7
Easy steps to Utopia.  Drivel, May 4
Equality: real vs. ideal.  Diary, May 18
Sympathy for the aggressively aggrieved.  Diary, May 24, 25
Man as piano key.  Diary, June1
Abortion -- useful myth and unyielding reality.  Drivel, June 2
Mantras to live by.  Diary, June 12
Worship of the theoretical.  Diary, June 30
Self-esteem as the new religion. Drivel, August 8
Gods too soon.  Diary, September 3
Fanatics -- religious and environmental.  Diary, September 27
Unmerited approbation not good for you.  Diary, October 7
Socialism and capitalism.  Drivel, October 19
Self-esteem primary concern in Calgary school.  Diary, October 30
Magical thinking: the mole that won't be whacked.  Diary, November 22
Equality not possible -- Boris Johnson, London Mayor.  Diary, November 28
Brains of men and women different.  Diary, December 4



This is That satire on victimhood.  Diary, January 15
National Post calls for abandonment HRC.  Diary, March 6
Jennifer Lynch dies.  Diary, November 19

Diary, January - June
            3rd Q

Drivel, January -June
            July - December


Prospect of $4.25 million from Spain.  Drivel, January 16
Ridicule vs. religious certainty.  Diary, January 18
72 Virgins joke.  Diary, April 20
Limerick Purity Defence League.  Diary, May 27
Words derived from McGuinty.  Diary, June 6
Mantras to live by.  Diary, June 12
Wynne speak.  Diary, July 16
Modern descendants of Hallucigenia Sparsa.  Diary, August 1
Unequal distribution of stupidity.  Diary, August 17
Psychology of ladders.  Diary, September 8
Complaints about weekly quotations.  Drivel, October 25







Ian Thomson firearms case. Diary, January 6
Police and native protests.  Diary, January 19
Police ignore protestors, chide Mr. Levant.  Diary, January 23
Nancy Mclean police power trip.  Diary, January 24
Clinton and Benghazi. Diary, January 25
Tribute to the awful McGuinty.  Diary, January 26, 27
Hudak bereft of conservative ideas. Diary, January 27
Parole Board jargon.  Diary, January 31
Libby Davies bill to limit salt intake.  Diary, February 3
Police hands off policy re; aboriginals.  Diary, February 15
Ontario government acknowledges aboriginal territory.  Diary, February 20
Police (Lewis) political in enforcing law.  Diary, February 23
Obama fascination with pop culture.  Diary, February 27
Wynne-speak.  Diary, March 11, July 16
Seeing citizens as groups. Diary, March 12
Pro-Muslim policing.  Diary, March 24
North Korea delusional culture.  Diary, April 6
Saudi fear of handsome strangers.  Diary, April 18
Police role in barring Geller Thornhill speech.  Diary, May 2
McGuinty and gas plants.  Diary, May 7
Confused senatorial home syndrome.  Diary, May 16
Canada's devotion to mediocrity via immigration policy.  Diary, May 21
Police finally remove Hamilton Enbridge protestors.  Diary, June 27
Illegal lemonade stand.  Diary, July 3
Incandescent bulb ban.  Diary, July 6, December 14 Drivel, December 20
Quebec and names insufficiently French.  Diary, July 30
Cyberbullying in Nova Scotia. Diary, August 15
Police shooting of Yatim.  Diary, August 19
Ontario gas plant corruption.  Diary, October 10
Senate scandal explained.  Diary, November 4
Government interference.  (Jonas)  Diary, November 23
Hijab to be worn by Edmonton police.  Diary, November 25




Obama theatricality re: guns.  Diary, January 17
Bloomberg hypocrisy on guns.  Diary, February 4
Response to death of dictator Chavez --including Rebick.  Diary, March 7
NDP removes word socialism from preamble.  Diary, April 15
Trudeau response to Boston Bombings.  Diary, April 17
Root causes.  Diary, April 19
Broten to compel Companies to hire women.  Diary, May 30
Horwath political calculations.  Diary, June 11
Left ignores Islamic dangers.  Diary, September 24
Siren call of the five year plan.  Diary, October 11
White poppies.  Diary,  November 11



Increasing visits cause melancholy. Diary, January 1
Advice to readers to reduce site traffic.  Drivel, January 1



Rejected on banknotes.  Diary, February 11
Based on equality of cultures. Delectable Lie.  Diary, April 7
Immigration policy assumes equality.  Diary, May 21
The Trojan horse of multiculturalism.  Drivel, September 9



Plagiarism by Dr. Chris Spence.  Diary, January 10
Causes of plagiarism.  Diary, January 11
Spence plagiarism habitual, as expected.  Diary, January 12
Suzuki grasping and eccentric at John Abbott College.  Diary, January 29
Jargon of the parole board. Diary, January 31
Bloomberg hypocrisy on gun control.  Diary, February 4
Trudeau favoured in poll.  Diary, February 9
Trudeau dilettante politician, diligent speaker.  Diary, February 16
Removing competition from soccer.  Diary, February 24
Obama fascination with entertainment glitter.  Diary, February 27
Suzuki feet of clay. Diary, March 2, 2014
Toronto School Board perverse folly. Diary, March 3
Chavez dies, Left in three hanky mode.  Diary, March 7
Bob Rae, politician/entrepreneur.  Diary, March 10
Garneau defers to Trudeau.  Diary, March 17
Gloomy reflections on Mr. Bieber.  Diary, March 27
Trudeau -- charisma trumps competence.  Diary, April 1
Thomas Homer Dixon weird oil economics.  Diary, April 3
Trudeau seen as Liberals' best hope.  Diary, April 10
Plagiarism by grand rabbi of France + other examples.  Diary, April 14
Trudeau response to Boston Bombings. Root causes.  Diary, April 17, 19
McGuinty and gas plants.  Diary, May 7
People who disagree with our views on religion, climate change, Islam.  Diary, May 9
Maria Duval.  Diary, May 11
Disabled escorts at Disney World.  Diary, May 15
Vince Li groomed for cross-country bus trip.  Diary, May 23
McGuinty deleted emails.  Diary, June 6
Trudeau's speeches. Diary, June 20, 22, 23
McGuinty as pitiful pit of pusillanimity.  Diary, June 28
Suzuki on immigration.  Diary, July 15
Trudeau panders to Muslim vote.  Diary, July 22, August 20, September 21
Hudak lacks charisma, articulateness. Diary, August 2, 7
Paid protestors.  Diary, August 16
Obama and Islam, Diary, August 23
McGuinty spine afflicted with Dudley Georgism.  Diary, September 19
Suzuki exposed in Australia. Diary, September 25 Opportunist. October 13
Obama fooled by Rouhani?  Diary, October 6
Gian Ghomeshi typical left-wing idealist.  Diary, October 7
Suzuki admired.  Diary, October 28
Trudeau admires China's dictatorship.  Diary, November 9 Other gaffes. November 12
Rebick laments climate change.  Diary, November 15
Hydro One and the gerbil farms.  Diary, November 18, December 29
Obama need for propaganda.  Diary, December 2
Amazing Kreskin offer.  Diary, December 6


Absurdity of "accommodation" policies. (This is That) Diary, January 15
Racism -- rejected or accepted according to circumstance.  Diary, January 20
Unaddressed inequality of stupidity.  Diary, January 22
White privilege Delevan-Darien H.S. Diary, March 18
Blindness to dangers of Islam.  Diary, May 25
Turbans on Quebec soccer fields.  Diary, June 15, 16, 18
The world of special people.  Diary, June 25
Death of hate speech provisions.  Diary, June 30
More women firefighters. Diary, July 5
Removal of Indian Headdress from Swedish store.  Diary, August 11
Anti-bullying legislation in Manitoba.  Diary, September 4
Honour killing ads removed in Edmonton.  Diary, October 31
Zwart Piet and infidels.  Diary,  December 3


Danish cartoon plotter sentenced. Diary, January 18
Pope resigns. Diary, February 12
Office of religious freedom folly.  Diary, February 17
Atheist (Ashu Solo) objects to saying of grace.  Diary, February 25
Election of new Pope. Diary, March 9
Muslim terrorist delusions London Ont. Diary, April 6
Islam tendency towards terrorism.  Tsarnaev, Esseghaier. Diary, April 23, 24, 25, 27
Freedom of religion limits. Trinity Western.  Diary, April 29
Muslims pressure police against Geller speech.  Diary, May 2
The matter of Benghazi.  Drivel, May 8
Is Islam dangerous?  Diary, May 9
Pope decries capitalism. Diary, May 18
Terrorists pose as victims. Jonas.  Wobbliness in face of Islam Diary, May 24, 25
Pope soft on atheists.  Diary, June 4
Atheist population numbers.  Diary, June9 Atheism. Drivel, June 9
Turbans on Quebec soccer fields.  Diary, June 15, 16, 18
Tolerance and religion.  Diary, June 19
Religion in Egypt. Morsi.  Diary, June 30, July 4
Pakistan religious/cultural fanaticism.  Diary, July 2
Plenary indulgence in Rio.  Diary, July 18
Essaghaier rejects Canadian legal system.  Diary, July 27
Rex Murphy attacks atheism.  Diary, July 29
Islam incompatible with democracy in Egypt.  Diary, August 5
Fear factor in religion.  Diary, August 6
The absence of soul.  Diary, August 9
Putin law against blasphemy.  Diary, August 13
Quebec charter of values.  Diary, August 22, 26, September 12, 29 Drivel, September 16
Obama and Islam.  Diary, August 23
Atheists disparaged.  Diary, August 25
Attacks on secularism.  Diary, August 27
Canadian Imam on the advantages of stoning.  Diary, August 30
Giving in to religious blackmail (niqab) in U.K. Diary, September 18
Left ignores Islamic Dangers.  Diary, September 24
Asia Bibi sentenced to death over cup of water.  Diary, September 26
Fanatics.  Diary, September 27
Pakistan death for apostasy. Irman Firasat.  Diary, September 28
Encroachment on secular society.  Drivel, September 29
Catholic school transforms Halloween.  Diary, October 9 Church disapproves. November 1
Where are voices of Muslim 500? Qureshi.  Diary, October 22
Brunei going theocratic.  Diary, October 23
Honour killing ads removed in Edmonton.  Diary, October 31
Quebec charter defended.  Diary, November 24
Atheism.  Diary, December 8
Unclean dogs in taxis in Saskatoon.  Diary, December 10
Scientology recognized in U. K.  Diary, December 12
Season's Greetings.  Diary, December 22


Flawed Whatcott decision.  Diary, February 28
Limits free speech -- nanny-think.  Diary, March 5, 6

Diary, January - June
            3rd Q


Drivel, January -June
            July - December


Iran to chair disarmament conference. Need League of better nations.  Diary, May 14
Enshrines writings of Che Guevara.  Diary, July 25
Algeria, China, Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam on Human Rights Council. Diary, November 14        


INDEX 2012    (Diary & Drivel to December 31, 2012)


Parole hearings.  Diary, January 18
Differential sentencing. Diary, March 25
Socialist Paradise. Teresa Spence.  Diary, December 28
Gordian Knot of aboriginal affairs.  Drivel, December 29



Environmentalists questioned at last. Diary, January 14
Scientific method has uphill battle. Diary, February 5
Environmentalists as Luddites. Diary, February 24
Sun affects earth temperature. Diary, March 7
Arguments against alarmists. Diary, March 8
David Suzuki steps down.  Diary, March 23
Earth Hour.  Diary, March 31
As religion. Diary, April 12
Suzuki steps down.  Diary, April 14
Demon Coal on CBC. Diary, April 17
James Lovelock recants.  Diary, May 2
U.N. Agenda 21 Maurice Strong.  Diary, May 22
Sensible climate conference.  Diary, May 24
CBC living in the past. McKitrick. Diary, June 21
Failure of Rio + 20. Maurice Strong. Diary, June 22
Change in views of climate change. Diary, August 16
Scientists scold Ban Ki-Moon.  Diary, November 30



Concert by Paul Simon.  Drivel, January 8
Sunshine Sketches
TV broadcast. Diary, February 13
Love from Afar (Opera)  Drivel, February 16
William Kurelek exhibition.  Diary, March 9
Henry V Stratford. July 23
Festival/Bay Street Cafe Parry Sound. Diary, July 31
Shoppers Drug Mart ads.  Drivel, September 23
Perversity of auto design.  Diary, October 26
La Bottine Souriante. Diary, Drivel, December 9
Of Comics, Comedians. Drivel, December 14

Diary, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012
Drivel, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012



Kashigari doubts religion in Saudi Arabia. Diary, February 10
Zhu Yufu jailed in China for poem.  Diary, February 14
Anti-Islam ad refused. Diary, March 17
Swinimer Jesus shirt. Diary, May 4, 5, 8
Free speech O.K. as long as not hurtful. Diary, September 14
Inability to see Innocence as individual expression. Diary, September 15, 18
Blasphemy in Pakistan.  Diary, September 20, 21, 22, 23
Anti-jihad subway poster.  Diary, September 25
No freedom to criticize Islam. Obama against slander. Diary, September 26
Subway Poster "racist." Diary, September 29
Terry Jones denied entry to Canada.  Diary, October 12
Boissoin wins case against HRC. Diary, October 20
The horror of Indian Summer, Giver.  October 23
Free speech at universities abysmal.  Diary, November 1
Censorship of Michael Mason. Diary, November 4
South Stormont will not restrict language. Diary, November 12
Civility Clause at Queen's.  Diary, November 13
Language police and other idiocies.  Diary, November 20



Social Justice movement in schools. Diary, February 2
Religious Courses in Quebec. Diary, February 18, 29
Drawing of gun leads to arrest. Diary, March 1
Ted Thorne supports Conservatives.  Diary April 19
Swinimer Jesus shirt. Diary, May 4
Social activism in schools. (Grove Community) Diary, May 9
Shaken teacher syndrome (Quebec professors). Diary, May 16
Gay/straight alliance clubs.  Diary, May 31
Awarding zeros in Edmonton.  Diary, June 3
Self Esteem flagging (McCullogh speech). Diary, June 12
Bullying of bus monitor.  Diary, June 23
Lynden Dorval zero policy. Diary, August 31
Dorval/Bradley: policies in real world. Drivel, August 31
How children succeed.  Diary, September 4
Lynden Dorval suspension. Diary, September 11
O.K. to miss Remembrance Day.  Diary, November 8
TDSB found deficient in planning and budgets. Diary, December 7

Diary, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012
Drivel, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012


Profiling decision overturned. Diary, February 15
Equality for criminals needed. Diary, March 2
In Healthcare.  Diary, April 4
Hate crimes. Diary, April 11
Compelled liberalism. Jonas. Dairy, August 22



Advanced Leadership Program. Diary, January 5
Caledonia, Diary, January 11
Government handouts/programs cost freedom. Diary, January 14.
Lucy the Goose. Diary, January 19, 25
Ian Thomson self-defence. Diary, February 3
McGuinty syndrome. Diary, February 4
Put government in charge of food. Diary, February 8
Ballooning deficits. Diary, February 16
Best suited to choose industries. Diary, February 21
Arrest of Edward Raflant. Diary, March 12
How Green is my McGuinty.  Drivel, March 13
Policing overtaken by politics.  Diary, March 18
Quotas for women in boardroom.  Diary, March 21
Government & healthcare.  Diary, March 21
Citizens should not protect themselves.  Diary, April 15
Andrewe Coyne loss of freedom.  Diary, June 26
Market vs. government, healthcare and housing. Diary, July 14
Canadian vs. U.S. attitudes to guns. Diary, July 19
Forbidden oil paint. Diary, August 3
Tenant legislation, Diary, August 14
The Savannah and the Hive.  Drivel, August 18
Everything worth thinking about.  Drivel, October 21
Warning labels on Pizza boxes.  Diary, October 24
Attitude to firearms v. U.S. Diary, November 3
Meddling to provide security; food labels. Diary, November 15



Coercive nature, lack of equality, Diary, January 4
Idealistic principles proposed. Diary, January 16
H5N1 threat. Diary, January 17
The patient comes first. Diary, February 7
Put government in charge of food. Diary, February 8
Patient must be able to direct funds. Fireplace tools. Diary, February 22
Little improvement in access.  Diary, March 22
Equality in. Diary, April 4
Private Insurance advocated. Diary, April 25, June 8
Saturated fat. Diary, June 13
Challenge to Alberta law forbidding insurance.  Diary, July, 11
Disadvantages of private insurance. Diary, July 14
Our many Health care Options. Drivel, July 29
The Savannah and the Hive. Drivel, August 18
Advantages of Cymbalta. Diary, August 7
Central Planning Mind-Set. Diary, August 17
Beating the system. It's whom you know.  Diary, August 18
Warning labels on pizza boxes.  Diary, October 24
Karen Dockrill moving to Buffalo. Diary, October 30
Patients record health care workers.  Diary, November 28
Multiple Personality Disorder.  Diary, December 10

Diary, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012
Drivel, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012


Irrationality of intelligent beings. Diary, January 2.
Free alcohol for Alcoholics. Diary, January12
Silly ideas trump science. Diary, February 5
Luddites and optimists. Diary, February 24
Reflection on the hive, propensities of bees.  Drivel, February 24
Extraordinary popular delusions.  Diary, March 8
Fanshawe College riots.  Diary, March 20
Failure of bullshit detector.  Diary, March 24
Men believe not the reasonable, but the desirable. Diary, March 30
Mea culpa for human existence. Diary, March 31
The appeal of smashing things.  Diary, April 2
Spoiled brattishness.  Diary, April 21, 28
Aspirations to special destiny.  Diary, April 30
The mea culpa phenomenon.  Warfare of the mind. Diary, May 3
Hubris of the psychiatrists. Vince Li. Diary, May 15
Bullshit detectors and receptors.  Diary, May 24
Self-esteem movement losing assurance. Diary, June 12
Belief in nonsense.  Diary, June 13
Bullying of bus monitor.  Original sin. Diary June 23
The Savannah and the Hive. Drivel, August 18
Pitfalls of idealism. Diary, October 13
Giving up liberty for security.  Diary, October 15
Everything worth Thinking about. Diary, Drivel, October 21
Emotion vs. logic, healthcare, HRC, speech.  Diary, November 4
Skullduggery.  Diary, November 21
Dictatorial benevolence; Morsi.  Diary, November 25
Mayan Calendar prediction.  Diary, December 21
Horoscope predictions.  Diary, December 31





Profiling decision overturned. Diary, February 15
Pamela Howson parking spot. Diary, March 10
Shakedown of Arnon Levy.  Diary, April 20
Hierarchy of rights (barbershop) Diary, December 1
Complaint about Albino Rhino beer.  Diary, December 20



A Tale from the Root Cause Fairy.  Drivel, January 11
Atheists as disadvantaged group.  Drivel, January 21
Carnography. Diary, February 27
Plagiarism at publishing house. Diary, March 5
How green is my McGuinty.  Drivel, March 13
Honesty in naming.  Diary, April 20
Religious proselytizing shirts. Diary, May 4
Squirm and Ho-Hum. Drivel, July 24
Our many Health Care Options. Drivel, July 29
Dorval/Bradley policies in real world.  Drivel, August 31
Lumpenbangen Site yanked.  Drivel, October 3
Cereal Killers on the Loose.  Drivel, October 11
Audio readings mailbag.  Drivel, December 19, 30

Diary, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012
Drivel, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012



Social Justice movement in schools. Diary, February 2
Judge biased against criminals. Diary March 2
Suzuki as left wing shill.  Diary, March 24
Mulcair and the party of big brother.  Diary, March 26
Obama's collective Vision vs. Darwin Diary, July 18
Firearms through political prism. Diary, July 24
Left Wing Housing. (Danzig) Diary, July 26
Obama, "You didn't build that." Diary, October 4
Left wing intolerance in debate. Diary, November 1
Obama typically left wing.  Diary, November 6
Ford ouster revenge of left.  Diary, November 27



Increase in Visits from January.  Drivel, February 1
Rise in Visits in September.  Drivel, October 1
Commitment to excellence. Drivel, December 15
Audio readings Mailbag. Drivel, December 19, 30



Shafia murder trial. Diary, January 13
Policing overtaken by politics.  Diary, March 18
Terry Nelson to visit Iran.  Diary, March 19
Aboriginal "differential sentencing."  Diary, March 25
Barbarians at the gate.  Diary, March 29
Veiled women in Belgium. Diary, June 7
Veiled 14-year-old at liquor store. Diary, July 25
When in Rome... Cdn. values dog walk.  Diary, August 25
Multiculturalism bar to dealing with Islam. Mansur. Diary, October 19
Halloween costumes banned in school.  Diary, November 2
Niqab decision by supreme court. Diary, December 22



How Green is my McGuinty?  Drivel, March 13


Malton Deguinty. Drivel, January 11
The Devil in the Principle.  Drivel, January 24, 25, 26, 27
Birth Date as identifier. Diary, January 28, February 9, March 3
Correct use of fulsome. Diary, February 11. Drivel, February 11
The New Age.  Drivel, March 11
Hydro One. Diary, March 13
David Suzuki Under scrutiny  Diary, March 23, 24
Plagiarism. Diary, March 28
World Happiness Report.  Diary, April 3
The use of "like" as conjunction.  Diary, April 13
Suzuki steps down.  Diary, April 14
Bev Oda.  Diary, April 27
Quebec as spoiled teenager. Diary, May 14
Fictions, convenient and necessary.  Drivel June 2
Trudeau leadership bid.  Diary, June 5, 14
CBC broadcast: Invisible Hand. Diary, June 28
Omar Khadr -- the two views.  Diary, July 21
Darwinian reality in the rock. Diary, August 1
Plagiarism, Zakaria, Baker. Diary, August 11
Car design. Diary, August 19
Barrier to Railway tracks. Diary, August 20
Real vs. ideal. Religion. Diary, August 24
Layton sainthood and blueprint.  Drivel, August 26
Sending e-mail to M. Wente.  Diary, September 5
Trudeau to enter leadership race. Diary, September 7
Santa smoke free. Diary, September 19
Omar Khadr, Justin Trudeau.  Diary, September 30
Obama, "you didn't build that." Diary, October 4
Trudeau bid. Diary, October 4, 5
Truth about Khadr.  Diary, October 13
Giving up liberty for security. Diary, October 15
McGuinty resigns.  Diary, October 16, 17
Khadr to be charged with treason? Diary, October 19
Khadr supported by gay atheist.  Diary, October 22
Perversity auto design.  Diary, October 26
Sub-optimal President (Obama) Benghazi. Drivel, October 27
Decline of civilization. Drivel, December 4
Attitude to firearms vs. U.S. Diary, November 3
Acorn allergy; tyranny of minority.  Diary, November 14, 23
Trudeau anti-west comments.  Diary, November 24
Plagiarism. Clinton Beckford U. Windsor.  Diary, December 13

Diary, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012
Drivel, January - June, 2012 July - December, 2012


Aboriginal parole hearings. Diary, January 18
Shafia murders. Diary, January 31
"Chink in the armour." Diary, February 25
Drawing of gun leads to arrest. Diary, March 1
Muslimization of police. Diary, March 15
Policing overtaken by politics. Diary, March 18
Quotas for women in boardroom.  Diary, March 21
Aboriginal "differential sentencing."  Diary, March 25
Advertisement for Islam.  Diary, April 5
Hijab wearing lawyer. Diary, May 9
Police favour Iran protestors.  Diary, August 21
Compelled liberalism. Jonas. Diary, August 22
Santa Smoke free. Diary, September 19
Subway jihad poster "racist." Diary, September 29
The horror of Indian Summer, giver.  Diary, October 23
Halloween costumes banned in school.  Diary, November 2
Censorship of Michael Mason, Queen's.  Diary, November 4
O.K. to miss Remembrance Day.  Diary, November 8
Hierarchy of rights at barber shop.  Diary, November 19
Objections to buses with "Merry Christmas." Diary, December 19



On Religion in the Schools. Drivel, January 9, 10
Atheists as a disadvantaged group.  Drivel, January 21
Saskatchewan to fund faith schools. Turbans. Diary, January 9
Jonathan Kay offended by atheists. Diary, January 20, 23
New New Atheism.  Drivel, February 4.
Kashigari doubts in Saudi Arabia. Diary, February 10
Exemption from religious courses denied. Diary, February 18, 29
Muslim judge favours attacker in U.S. Diary, February 28
Faith based witchcraft. Diary, March 4
Muslimization of police. Diary, March 15
Anti-Islam ad refused. Diary, March 17
Mohammed Merah on mission.  Diary, March 27
Flaws of Islam.  Diary, March 27
Advertisement for Islam.  Diary, April 5
Religion for Atheists. Diary, April 8
The religious impulse.  Diary, April 12
Omar Khadr coming home. Diary, April 23
Gospel of Mark.  Diary, April 29
Atheist quotations. Diary, May 7
Swinimer saga. Diary, May 8
Gay marriage. Famous homosexuals. Diary, May 11
The Pope's butler did it. Diary, May 27
Blasphemy in Indonesia.  Diary, May 29
Gay/straight alliance clubs. Diary, May 31
Veiled women in Belgium.  Diary, June 7
Trade freedom for security.  Diary, June 26
Epomis beetle and Anglican Hymn. Diary, July 8, 2012
RCMP fears inflaming Muslims. Diary July, 16
Free Bibles in schools. Diary, August 30
Wiccan prison chaplain no longer needed. Diary, September 6
Innocence of Muslims cause of Embassy attack. Diary, September 12
Suggestion Innocence film not be shown. Dairy, September 14
Clash of Superstition and rationality. Diary, September 15, 18
Blasphemy; "peaceful Muslim protest." Diary, September 20, 21, 22, 23
Obama olive branch to Muslims. Diary, September 24
Jihad. Diary, September 25
Islam allows no criticism. Obama rejects slander Prophet. Diary, September 26
Subway poster "racist."  Diary, September 29
Terry Jones denied entry to Canada.  Diary, October 12
Everything worth thinking about.  Drivel, October 21
Boissoin wins case against HRC.  Diary, October 20
Chances of democracy in Egypt. Diary, December 6
Objections to buses with "Merry Christmas. " Diary, December 19
Religion in decline in Canada.  Diary, December 23



Says no radio signals soon. Diary, January 1
Despnigglecnut term of opprobrium. Diary, February 26
Murphy's view of car design. Diary, August 19


Offensive word list. Diary, February 25
Declaration of Happiness.  Diary, April 3
Olivier de Schutter, food bureaucrat. Diary, May 17
Agenda 21. Maurice Strong. Diary, May 22
U.N. to run Internet.  Mugabe ambassador.  Diary, June 1
As a flawed institution. Larry Miller.  Diary, June 10
U.N. criticism Quebec protest law.  Diary, June 25
Iran and Syria honoured. Diary, July 10, 2012
Sudan, Mugabe, Libya, North Korea, IPCC, Agenda 21. Diary, November 11
Move to control internet, tax smokes.  Diary, November 16, 17
Scientists scold Ban Ki-Moon.  Diary, November 30
Agenda 21, control of Internet. Diary, December 16

INDEX 2011


Husseinitis in Climate Change. Diary, December 12, 2011
David Bullzuki and the Apocalyptic Wizards. Drivel, December 3, 2011
On Being on the Side of the Angels. Diary, December 1, 2011
Kyoto Accord to be rejected. Diary, November 29, 2011
There are Windmills at the Bottom of our Garden. Drivel, November 21, 2011
Suzuki Propaganda in Schools. Diary, November 7, 2011
Oh, We love to do the Laundry after Midnight. Drivel, October 30, 2011
Climate change as religion. Diary, October 2, 2011
McGuinty Green; Ontario Bankrupt. Drivel, February 27, 2011
CERN results. Diary, August 30, 2011
On the side of the angels. Diary, June 6, 2011
Solar Panels. Diary, May 20, 2011
Of Climate Madness. Drivel April 9, 2011
Dire predictions. Diary, May 4, 2011
Sun and Wind. Diary, March 5, 2011
McGuinty grand vision. Diary, February 22, 2011
Scientists with political motive. Diary, January 5, 2011

CRITICISM–Literary & Film etc.

Postscript to My Beautiful Laundrette Drivel, March 7, 2011
My Beautiful Laundrette
. Drivel, March 6, 2011
Jersey Shore. Diary, January, 30, 2011


DUVAL, Maria

Maria Duval and the Magic Talisman. Drivel, November 16, 2011

Diary,  January-June;    July-December   2011
Drivel, January-June;    July-December   2011



Defence of hate speech censorship. Diary, November 19, 2011
Freedom at Universities. Diary, November 11, 2011
Muslim Attack on satirical French Newspaper. Diary, November 4, 2011
Hate Speech. Drivel, October 27, 2011
Sex and the Scientific Method. Drivel, October 16, 2011
Brian Storseth Bill. Diary, October 5, October 3, 2011
Sarah Grunfeld case. Diary, September 16, 2011
David Mamet. Diary, July 26, 2011
Indian giver. Trudeau’s barbarism. Diary, March 9,10,13, 14,16, 2011
The Valley of Hythlos, Another Cautionary Tale. Drivel, March 9, 2011
Bad dinner table discussions. Diary, January 21, 2011
Modern Bowdlerism Mark Twain. Diary, January 12, 2011
Taboo words (nigger). Diary. January 10, 2011
Are Queers smarter than Niggers? Drivel, January 10, 2011


The Problem of Inequality. Diary, November 18, 2011
The Man who was Equal. Drivel, November 15, 2011
The Struggle for Equality. Drivel, September 1, 2011
Survey of attitudes. Diary June 9, 2011
Musings on Equality. Diary, February 27, 2011
The Impulse to Fascism: Canada and 1984. Drivel, February 8 & 12, 2011
Equality Fascism. Diary, February 11, 2011
Equity Chairing. Diary, January 21, 2011
The egalitarian impulse in the schools. Diary, January 13, 2011

Diary,  January-June;   July-December   2011
Drivel,  January-June;  July, December   2011



Health Care Monopoly shuts out Entrepreneurs. Diary, December 4, 2011
Lying with Statistics Drivel, November 21, 2011
Vioxx Penalty. Diary, November 23, 2011
Two Canadian Follies. Drivel, October 13, 2011
The ideal pursued beyond reason. Diary, October 9, 2011
Karen Dockrill Case. Selick. Diary, September 13, August 31, 2011
The Luxury of Options in On-tar-io. Drivel, August 15, 2011
O, Larceny! O, Touchstone of the Human Heart. Drivel, August 5, 2011
Of Prominence and Privilege (Alberta). Diary, June 10, 2011
Hearts and Strokes. Drivel, June 7, 2011
Heart and Stroke Foundation Diary, June 6, 2011
Doctor bias. (Vince Li) Diary, June 3, 2011
Some Notes on Healthcare. Drivel, May 16, 2011
Patient as customer. Diary, May 1, 2011
Idealism in Healthcare. Diary, April 7, 2011
Unknown factors in heart disease. Diary, March 8, 2011
Enterprise in Healthcare. Diary, March 3, 2011
Doctor shortage public policy. Diary, February 28, 2011
Wait times. Diary, January 24, 2011

Diary, January-June;   July-December   2011
Drivel, January-JuneJuly-December   2011


The Nature of Human Nature. Diary, August 14, 2011
Limitations. Diary, June 20, 2011
Cause of riots. Diary, June 17, 2011
Happiness. Diary, May 23, 2011
Need for bullshit detector. Drivel, May 7, 2011
Politics and brain structure. Diary, April 8, 2011
Original sin, original perfection. Diary, March 22, 2011
Scientific Method contrary to human nature. Diary, January 11, 2011


Two Canadian Follies. Drivel, October 13, 2011
Human Rights Commissions cause for anger. Diary, June 15, 2011
Marise Myrand. Diary, June 9, 2011
Hudak on Human Rights Commissions. Diary, March 28, 2011
Victims and Victimhood. Diary, March 11, 2011
U.N. hails Libya’s human rights. Diary, March 6, 2011
HRC Travesty. Diary, February 26, 2011


(See also Verse, under Poetry/Verse)

Welcome to Egyptistan. Drivel, December 8, 2011
Response from Hydro One. Drivel, September 12, 2011
The Struggle for Equality. Drivel, September 1, 2011
Judge late; Surgeon Dismisses Case. Drivel, July 23, 2011
An Imaginary Conversation. Drivel, June 16, 2011
Jesus Saves. Drivel, April 12, 2011
72 Virgins–A Plea. Drivel, January 23, 2011




Of the Public Outpouring for Mr. Layton. Drivel, August 29, 2011
Fulford on the Alternate Reality. Diary, August 29, 2011
Reservations about Mr. Layton. Diary, August 25, August 22, 2011
The Root of the problem. Diary, August 18, 2011
Philosophical Advance in NDP Thinking! Drivel, May 18, 2011
The New Equality Party. Drivel, May 13, 2011
NDP 101. Drivel, May 3, 2011
Jack Layton Drivel, May 28, 2011
Why are there Israeli Apartheid Weeks? Diary, March 26&27, Drivel, March 26, 2011
Socialism and the NDP. Diary, June 20, 2011
On the side of the angels. Diary, June 6, 2011
Socialists kill the golden goose. Diary, April 30, 2011


Website Traffic hits Record. November 1, 2011
Interview with Dr. Dreimer. August 13, 2011
Lumpenbangen Piano Institute launches Public Appeal. June 24, 2011

Diary, January-June;    July-December   2011
Drivel, January-June;   July-December    2011


Faces to be revealed in Citizenship Ceremony. Diary, December 14. 2011
The Niqab in Court. Diary, December 9, 2011
Robbery with burka. Diary, December 6, 2011
Hijab to be worn by Police. Diary, October 22, October 15, October 14, 2011
Delectable Lie. Diary, August 31, 2011
Valley Park Middle School. Diary, July 26, 2011
Geert Wilders Islam as ideology. Diary, June 24, May 12, 2011
Masked women. Diary, April 13, April 12, 2011
Multiculturalism deficiencies. Diary, February 25, 2011
Kirpan. Diary, February 17, 2011
Masked voters. The parable of the Peaceabilians. Diary, February 14, 2011
Limits to tolerance. Diary, February 7, 2011
Multiculturalism failed in Britain, France and Germany. Diary, February 5, 2011



There are Windmills at the Bottom of our Garden. Drivel, November 21, 2011(V)
Oh, We love to do the Laundry after Midnight. October 30, 2011(V)
The Explanation of...Everything. July 18, 2011(V)
Jack Layton. April 28, 2011(V)
Seeing the Face, Touching the Mind of God. April 22, 2011(P)
April 1, 2011. April 1, 2011(V)
The Pedant’s Lament. March 27, 2011(V)
To the Great God Murphy, March 20, 2011(V)
Invictus. March 20, 2011(P)
Code. January 11, 2011 (P)


Diary, January-June;   July-December   2011
Drivel, January-JuneJuly, December   2011


Death of Kim Jong-il. Diary, December 23, 2011
Signs of the Times. Diary, November 14, 2011
The Ideal as a Means of Social Control. Drivel, July 26, 2011
David Mamet. Diary, July 25, 2011
Gay Pride. Diary, July 2. 2011
The Impulse to Fascism: Canada and 1984. Part II. Drivel, February 12, 2011
The Impulse to Fascism: Canada and 1984. Part I. Drivel, February 8, 2011
Gay Pride, Rob Ford. Diary, June 24, 2011
Biology might make a difference. Diary, April 27, 2011
Indian Giver. Trudeau’s Barbarism. Diary, March 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 2011
Victims and Victimhood. Diary, March 11, 2011
Toy Gun Syndrome. Diary, February 9, 2011
Self defence. Diary, January 21, 2011
Modern Bowdlerism. Diary, January 12, 2011
Taboo words. Diary, January 10, 2011



Feet of Clay (Ezra Levant) Drivel, December 27, 2011
National Post Christmas Editorial. Diary, December 24, 2011
The Stockholm Syndrome. Diary, December 21, 2011
Euthanasia, Diary, November 26, 2011
Scientology and the Human Psyche Drivel, November 20, 2011
Temperament in Religion. Diary, November 12, 2011
Shafia Trial. Diary, October 21, 2011
Valley Park Middle School. Diary, July 26, 2011
The Explanation of...Everything. Drivel, July 18, 2011
Hunter, My Path to Rome. Diary, July 14, 2011
Jehovah's Witness.  Diary, June 30, 2011
Geert Wilders Islam as ideology. Diary, June 24, 2011
Religious masochism. Diary, June 8, 2011
Legitimacy of religious claims. Diary, June 2, May 31 2011
Harold Camping predictions. Diary, May 24, 2011
Personal view of atheism. Diary, May 19, 2011
Hawking on afterlife. Diary, May 17, 2011
Islam as ideology. Diary, May 12, 2011
End of World. Diary, May 6, 2011
National Post Easter editorial. Diary, May 2, 2011
Gandhi in hell. Diary, April 25, 2011
Why Christianity doesn’t make any Sense. Drivel, April 12, 2011
Danish cartoons. Diary, April 6, 2011
Burning of Koran. Diary, April 5, 2011
Vatican dialogue. Diary, March 25, 2011
Quotes from Koran. Diary, March 24, 2011
The Great God Murphy. Drivel, March 20, 2011
Anti-music Muslim. Diary, February 18, 2011
The story of science. Diary, February 3, 2011
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Diary, February 1, 2011
Pope’s non-accidental universe. Diary, January 7, 2011
Unfathomable mystery. Drivel, January 7, 2011
Pakistan laws of blasphemy. Diary. January 6, 2011

Diary, January-June;    July-December   2011
Drivel, January-June;    July-December   2011


The Great God Murphy. Drivel, March 20, 2011
To The Great God Murphy. Drivel, March 20, 2011
Great Thoughts, Drivel. December 26, 2011
A Christmas Eve Fantasy Drivel, December 24, 2011
Abracadabra, the new religion. Diary, June 30, 2011
Murphy a great comfort. Diary, June 2, 2011



INDEX: November 2009-December 2010



Climate Change fraud. Drivel, August 12, 2010
Climate activists. Diary, July 17, 2010
Meddlers and the dangers. Diary, March 12, 2010
Complexity of. Diary, March 11, 2010
Debate. Diary, February 1, 2010
Melting ice cap fraud. Diary, January 21, 2010
Religious/Eco fundamentalism. Drivel, December 21, 2009
Copenhagen Climate. Diary December 18, 2009
Climate hoax. December 2, November 25, 2009


CRITICISM Literary/Film/etc.

Christmas Cards. Drivel, December 10, 2010
Tom Brown’s Floories, Valium. Diary, November 28, 2010
Phone ads. Drivel, August 25, 2010
The Heart of the Apocalypse. Drivel, August 15, 2010
House Hunters. Drivel, August 10, 2010
Automobile Design. Diary, July 26, 2010
Price of art. Diary, July 5, 2010
Ugly Vehicles. Diary, May 19, 2010
Heart of Darkness. Drivel, April 22, 2010
Private Displays in public. Diary, January 12, 13, 2010
Saturday Night Live not funny. Drivel, January 2, 2010

                    Diary, January-June 2010          Drivel, 2009-2010
                    Diary, July-December 2010     
                    Diary, 2009                              


DUVAL, Maria

Letter to; Superstition. Drivel, December 27, 30, 2010



Blatchford blocked at Waterloo. Diary, November 17, 2010
Free speech vs. normalizing crime. Diary, November 16, 2010
Mark Steyn, Juan Williams, Islam. Drivel, October 22, 2010
Fear of Islamaphobia label. Diary, September 14, 2010
Nigger outcry. Diary, August 19, 2010


U. of M. Degree without exams. Diary, November 3, 2010
Government to consider merit in hiring. Diary, July 23, 2010
Left wing anti-Semitism. Diary, June 7, 2010
Marise Myrand. Diary, March 17, February 13, 2010
Healthcare. Diary, February 2, 2010



Hypocrisy of system. Drivel, December 16, 2010
Suresh Kapur lucky escape. Diary, December 16, 2010
Visit to Eye Doctor. Diary, November 23, 2010
Dirty Little Secrets. Drivel, November 22, 23, 24, 25; Dec. 1 2010
Healthcare/ freedom of choice. Diary, November 19, 2010
Equality in Healthcare. Repentigny. Drivel, November 18, 2010
Third Party exemptions (RCMP) Diary, November 10, 2010
Outrage of nanny care. Drivel, October 31, 2010
Belief in Nonsense. Drivel, June 17, 2010
Tribalism in Healthcare. Diary, May 31, 2010
Eye clinic bureaucracy. Diary, April 1, 2010
Blood Pressure. Diary, March 31, 2010
Paean on Lipitor. Drivel, March 8, 2010
Standard of care. Diary, March 4, 2010
Saturated fat. Diary, February 23, 2010
Objections to system. Diary, February 2, 2010
Inequality of One tier. Diary, November 9, 2009

                    Diary, January-June 2010          Drivel, 2009-2010
                    Diary, July-December 2010     
                    Diary, 2009                              


Self esteem, original goodness. Diary, September 29, 2010
Nobility (Gareth Malone). Diary, September 19, 2010
Self-esteem. Diary, September 8, 2010
Is there a Santa Claus? Drivel, August 24, 2010
Freedom to fail. Drivel, August 28, 2010
Unchanged. Diary, August 17, 2010
Decline of the human brain. Diary, August 8, 2010
Healthcare coercion. Drivel, July 22, 2010
Hatred part of .. Diary, July 15, 2010
In praise of failure. Drivel, June 30, 2010
Belief in Nonsense. Drivel, June 17, 2010
Tribalism in Healthcare. Diary, May 31, 2010
Goodall animals. Diary, April 20, 2010
Street hockey. Diary, April 5, 2010
Idealistic certainty Abdulmutallab Diary, December 30, 2009
University protests. Diary, November 5, 2009
Copenhagen Climate. Diary, December 7, 18, 2009
Scientific method. Diary, December 4, 2009
Climate hoax. Diary, December 2, 2009



As department of brotherly love. Diary, July 15, 2010
Human rights in China. Diary, July 8, 2010
Commissioner refuses gay marriage. Diary, May 9, 2010
Filipino Eating habits. Drivel, April 28, 2010
Lesbians in bar. Diary, March 29, 30, 2010
Marise Myrand. Diary, March 17, February 13, 2010
Attempt to get equality of result. Diary, February 18, 2010
Deep seated unconscious prejudice. Diary, November 19, 2009


Letter to Maria Duval. Drivel, December 30, 2010
Equality in Healthcare. Drivel, November 18, 2010
Religious rights vs tradition. Diary, October 15, 2010
Phone ads. Drivel, August 25, 2010
Face Fitters International. Drivel, August 22, 2010
Climate Change fraud. Drivel, August 12, 2010
Belief in Nonsense. Drivel, June 17, 2010
Guide to Political Correctness. Drivel, May 8, 2010
The "FO" letter. Drivel, April 16, 2010
Equity Purity Research Institute. Drivel, April 11, 2010
Tiger Woods Apology. Drivel, February 22, 2010
Pathology of Bad Driving. Drivel, November, 2009




Left Wing anti-Semitism. Diary, June 7, 2010
Darwin vs. CBC. Diary, May 10, 2010



As department of brotherly love. Diary, July 15, 2010
Human rights in China. Diary, July 8, 2010
Commissioner refuses gay marriage. Diary, May 9, 2010
Filipino Eating habits. Drivel, April 28, 2010
Lesbians in bar. Diary, March 29, 30, 2010
Marise Myrand. Diary, March 17, February 13, 2010
Attempt to get equality of result. Diary, February 18, 2010
Deep seated unconscious prejudice. Diary, November 19, 2009


Left Wing anti-Semitism. Diary, June 7, 2010
Darwin vs. CBC. Diary, May 10, 2010



Closure rumours. Drivel, August 7, 2010
Google mentally incompetent. Drivel, March 19, 2010
Literary Policy Meeting. Drivel, February 22, 2010
Google discovers Dreimer. Drivel, February 8, 2010
Webalizer results. Drivel, February 1, 2010
World Religious Council edict. Drivel, January 13, 2010
Google discovers Lumpenbangen. Drivel, November 26, 2009



Multiculturalism, masked women. Drivel, November 12, 2010
Pakistan: death for blasphemy. Diary, November 12, 2010
Honour killing attempt. Diary, November 2, 2010
Respect for Islam. Drivel, October 21, 2010
Multiculturalism failure in Germany Diary, October 18, 2010
Niqab in court ruling reconsidered. Diary, October 15, 2010
Burka banned in France. Diary, July 14, 2010
Islamist recruiting. Diary, July 2, 2010
Masked rioters. Diary, June 27, 2010
Honour killing, Parvez, Diary, June 15 2010
Maclean’s niqab. Drivel, June 14, 2010
Maclean’s favours niqab. Diary, June 13, 2010
South Park Muslim threat. Diary, May 12, 2010
Filipino Eating habits. Drivel, April 28, 2010
Niqab. Diary, March 28, 30, 2010
Reflections on niqab. Drivel, March 15, 2010
Quebec and niqab. Diary, March 8, 2010
Toronto 18. Diary, January 14, 2010
Turbans and niqabs. Diary, January 8, 2010
Aboriginal Healing Boondoggle. Diary, January 4, 2010
Caledonia Dispute. Diary, December 31, November 17, 2009
Folly of multiculturalism in school. Diary, December 1, 2009


Bull and Bear. Drivel, June 6, 2010
Justin Bieber. Drivel, May 24, 2010
Paean on Lipitor. Drivel, March 8, 2010
Banal Commentary. Drivel, February 15, 2010
Origins. Drivel, January 20, 2010
Famous Last Words. Drivel, December 28, 2009
Reflections on the Meaning of it All. Drivel, November, 2009

                    Diary, January-June 2010          Drivel, 2009-2010
                    Diary, July-December 2010     
                    Diary, 2009                              



Inequities of Ontario Residential Tenancies Act Diary, December 8, 2010
HOV Lane silly idea. Diary, October 28, 2010
Islam incompatible western culture. Drivel, October 22, 2010
Bureaucratization of society. Drivel, October 14, 2010
Freedom to Fail. Diary, August 28, 2010
Merit hiring. Diary, July 23, 2010
Appropriation of voice. Diary, June 22, 2010
Basketball injustice. Drivel, July, 29, 2010
Civil Libertarians out to lunch. Diary, May 11, 2010
Darwin vs. CBC. May 10, 2010
Guide to Political Correctness. Drivel, May 8, 2010
Queen’s sumo suits. Messiness. Drivel, April 11, 2010
Sumo wrestling suits. Diary, April 6, 2010
Lesbians in Bar. Diary, March 29, 30, 2010
Altar of Tolerance. Diary, December 17, 2009
Afghan War. Diary, December 8, 2009
Folly of multiculturalism in school. Diary, December 1, 2009
David Chen case. Diary, November 3, 2009


Hunter attacks agnostics. Drivel, December 29, 2010
Father De Souza : Hitchens vs. Blair. Diary, December 4, 2010
Mobster gets Catholic Funeral. Diary, November 16, 2010
Pakistan: death for blasphemy. Diary, November 12, 2010
Islam incompatible western world. Drivel, October 22, 2010
Respect for Islam. Drivel, October 21, 2010
Perfection wouldn’t work, anyway. Diary, September 22, 2010
Fulford on Islam. Diary, September 14, 2010
Original Sin. Diary, September 8, 2010
Intolerance of Islam. Diary, August 26, 2010
Mercy killing. Drivel, July 28, 2010
Crappy National Post Sermons. Drivel, July 18, 2010
Islamist recruiting. Diary, July 2, 2010
Belief in Nonsense. Drivel, June 17, 2010
de Souza vs. Hitchens via Hawking. Diary, June 13, 2010
Letter to de Souza. Drivel, June 13, 2010
The Sixth Extinction. Diary, May 20, January 19, 2010
South Park Muslim threat. Diary, May 12, 2010
Heart of Darkness Lionel Tiger. Diary, May 12, 2010
Commissioner refuses gay marriage. Diary, May 9, 2010
John Zucchi Catholic. Diary, April 26, 2010
Euthanasia vs. suffering. Drivel, April 23, 2010
Church sex scandal. Drivel, April 22, 2010
Goodall animals. Diary, April 20, 2010
Crisis in Catholic Church. Diary, April 8, 2010
Niqab. Diary, March 28, 2010
Rex Murphy on Religion. Drivel, March 24, 2010
Tiger, God’s Brain. Diary, March 13, 2010
Quebec and niqab. Diary, March 8, 2010
Religion should be private. Diary, February 2, 2010
Toronto18. Diary, January 14, 2010
Idealistic certainty Abdulmutallab. Diary, December 30, 2009
Christmas N.P.editorial. Drivel, December 28, 2009
Religious/Eco fundamentalism. Drivel, December 21, 2009
Tim Jones on shoplifting. Diary, December 22, 2009
Absolute respect for all religions. Diary, December 16, 2009
Minaret construction Switzerland. Diary, December 9, 2009
Afghan war. Diary, December 8, 2009
Reflections on the Meaning of it All. Drivel, November, 2009
Child’s Arguments against Religion. Drivel, November, 2009

                    Diary, January-June 2010          Drivel, 2009-2010
                    Diary, July-December 2010     
                    Diary, 2009