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  Title & Description # & Price
1897 Braided Tailor Gown for Stout Lady

42 Bust - 28 Waist

This gown was made of smoke blue cloth, with slight braiding in black soutache, and with a narrow white cloth vest trimmed with tiny gilt buttons and silk cord loops.  The braiding forms a small scroll design along the edges and seams of the basque and down the front seams of the skirt.  The Medici collar was lined with the vest material, which was also carried in a narrow piping around the edge of the front.

Yardage - 6-1/2 yds 48" wide & 1/2 yd of white  cloth



1897 Autumn Costume w/Jacket Bodice

38 Bust - 26 Waist

The costume illustrated was of tan colored double cashmere.  It was made with a five gored skirt and a close fitting jacket bodice worn over a separate white silk vest with a lace jabot.  The jacket has vest pieces of brown velvet studded with buttons, and a flaring collar lined with velvet.  The velvet was also used for an appliqué scroll border around the skirt.

Yardage - 6-1/2 yds 48" wide




1005 - V. Hardy

1897 Young Lady's Cashmere Gown

34 Bust - 22 Waist

This gown was made of gray cashmere.  The waist has a plain back and a slashed front shoeing a full blouse of black and white checked taffeta beneath.  The edges of the cashmere being finished with narrow steel and jet trimming.  The collar and belt are of black and white checked taffeta ribbon with a lavender blue edge.

Yardage - Approx 6-1/2 yds 45" wide



1897 Black Gown w/Velvet Yoke

34 Bust - 22 Waist

The gown illustrated was of black Drap d'Été.  The upper part of the waist has a pleated black velvet yoke inserted at the front; the part below has an appliqué border of passementerie, and ist applied against the velvet.  The skirt is if five gored breadths.  Pattern includes bodice and skirt.

Yardage - 5 1/2 yds 46" wide



1897 Costume w/Bolero & Velvet Vest

37 Bust - 25 Waist

The costume illustrated was of gray blue cloth with a vest and revers of dark blue velvet.  The skirt and jacket are trimmed with bars of cord to match with steel buttons at the ends, while the revers and the jacket are edged with silver threaded dark blue braid.  Pattern consists of jacket, vest and skirt.

Yardage - 6 yds cloth 48" wide, 2 yds velvet 45" wide




1505 - Morgane Thomsen modified     1505 - Morgan Thomsen     1505 - Karolyn Simpson     1530/1505 -Morgane Thomsen

1897 Taffeta Gown w/Velvet Ribbon

34 Bust - 22 Waist

This black taffeta gown was trimmed with 2 widths of black velvet ribbon on the skirt.  The waist is pleated, with jacket fronts joining a small curved black velvet yoke.  Underneath the jacket fronts is a full vest of dotted net trimmed with narrow lace and velvet ribbon.  Pattern consists of vest, bodice and skirt.

Yardage - 14 yds silk 45" wide, 1/2 yds velvet 45" wide, 18 yds 3/4" velvet ribbon, 36 yds 3/8" velvet ribbon




#1506 - Deborah Stauring


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