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  Title & Description # & Price
1891 Tailor Gown

38 Bust - 26 Waist

This gown was originally made of beaver colored cloth and consists of a gored skirt and a coat bodice with a lapped vest.

Yardage - 6 yds 52" wide




1091 - Lisa Doker

1891 Wool & Silk Costume

38 Bust - 25 Waist

The model was of suede colored wool of two shades, with some silk of the lighter shade added.  It consists of a skirt and a polonaise which is short on the front and sides and continuous to the foot of the skirt at the back.

Yardage - 6 yds 44" dark wool & 1-3/4 yds 44" light wool



1891 Cloth Gown

36 Bust - 24 Waist

Gray and blue cloth were combined in this gown.  The coat bodice being of the darker and the skirt and vest of the lighter cloth.  Pattern consists of jacket, vest and skirt.

Yardage - 4 1/2 yds light cloth 52" wide, 2 1/4 yds dark cloth 52" wide




1181 - Louis Seymour

1891 Blue Gray Tailor Gown

40 Bust - 26.5 Waist

The pattern for the model illustrated was made of fine striped blue gray Himalaya cloth.  It consists of a postillion basque and a straight skirt, which is very slightly draped at the front and a foundation skirt.

Yardage - 5 1/2 yds 56" wide



1891 Striped Brown Tailor Gown

40 Bust - 26.5 Waist

The material for the model was of striped brown Cheviot with a narrow vest and a standing collar of red cloth dotted with white.  Trimming consists of buttons down the front of the bodice and on the left side of the skirt at a diagonal.  Pattern consists of bodice, vest, overskirt and foundation skirt.

Yardage - 5 1/2 yds 56" wide



1891 Homespun Tailored Gown

38 Bust - 25 Waist

The material for the model illustrated was of homespun in mixed gray and green shades, with dark green cloth for vest, revers and skirt border.  Pattern consists of bodice, vest, overskirt and foundation skirt.

Yardage - 6 yds homespun 48" wide, 1 1/8 yds cloth 48" wide



1891 Plain Tailored Gown

38 Bust - 24 Waist

The pattern for this black and green plaid wool crossed with yellow threads consists of bodice, skirt and foundation skirt.  The plaid is taken on the bias. The foundation skirt is of black alpaca.

Yardage - 8 yds 44" wide




1494 - Sarah Ott          1494 Louis Seymour                       1301 & 1494 Morgane Tomsen      1494 - Lillain Bentz

1891 Walking Dress w/Jacket Bodice

38 Bust - 26 Waist

The pattern for the model was composed of a skirt of gray striped dark blue Cheviot, with jacket bodice of blue diagonal, which has a striped vest and a foundation skirt.

Yardage - 6 3/4 yds stipe 44" wide, 1 5/8 yds plain 52" wide



1891 Dress Trimmed w/Persian Lamb

38 Chest - 25 Waist

The pattern for the model illustrated was of gray cloth, trimmed with Persain lamb and braided with black soutache and consists of bodice, skirt, foundation skirt and braid design.

Yardage - 6 1/2 yds 48" wide




1496 Louis Seymour


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