1868 • 1870 • 1873 • 1875 • 1876 • 1877 • 1878 • 1879
1885 • 1887 • 1888 • 1889 • 1891 • 1892 • 1893 • 1894
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1915 • 1917 • 1922 • 1925 • 1930
Title &
Description |
# & Price |
1889 Dress &
Directoire Jacket 36 Bust - 24
The dress illustrated consists of a full
straight skirt of blue and white striped wool, with a Directoire jacket of
plain blue wool. Pattern consists of blouse, vest, jacket, overskirt
and foundation skirt with self bustle.
Yardage - 3 1/4 yds plain wool 54" wide,
5 yds stripe wool 54" wide, 1/2 yd of veiling 44" wide |
$30.75 |

1306 Sandra Chantry
1306 - Vivienne Shepherd |
1889 Pongee &
Lace Princesse Dress 38 Bust -
26 Waist
The Princesse dress illustrated was of
écru pongee, with facings of watered silk and a lace front. Pattern
consists of Princesse overdress, blouse and foundation skirt.
Yardage - 6 1/2 yds silk 32" wide, 3 yds
lace 22" wide |
$25.50 |

1308 Sandra Chantry 1308 Gela Rahl
1308 Cat Frazier |
1889 Cloth Costume w/Feather Trimming
34 Bust - 26.5 Waist
The costume illustrated is of green
cloth with black feather trimming. It consists of a skirt, which is
bordered with feather trimming across the bottom of the front, a foundation
skirt and a Princessee-polonaise that is open on the front and hangs to the
foot of the skirt on the sides and back.
Yardage - 9 1/2 yds 52" wide |
1889 Brown Cloth & Velvet Costume
38 Bust - 26 Waist
The model illustrated is of brown cloth
and velvet to match. The foundation skirt of lining is faced with a
breadth of velvet on the left side, where the drapery is open, and with a
strip four inches wide the rest of the way around at the bottom. A
drapery of cloth completes the skirt.
Yardage - 6 1/2 yds cloth 48" wide, 2
1/4 yds velvet |
1889 Bordered Wool Dress w/Jacket
38 Bust - 26 Waist
The costume illustrated consists of a
dress and a jacket to match. the model is made of old rose wool which
is plain one half it's breadth and striped in a darker shade on the other
half. The material is taken crosswise with the stripes at the bottom
for the skirt. The jacket and the fronts of the bodice are of the
striped part, the rest of the plain goods. Pattern consists of bodice,
jacket, overskirt and foundation skirt.
Yardage - Approx 9 1/2 Yds 48" wide |
1889 Red
Matineé (Morning Gown) 38
Bust - 26
The matineé or
morning gown shown in the illustration consists of a skirt and jacket of
Eiffel red cheviot, with a white surah blouse or shirt front in the jacket.
Yardage -6 yds 46" wide |
1889 Dress w/Handkerchief Borders
38 Bust - 25 Waist
The costume
illustrated is of brown wool with white shawl borders, or, as they are now
called, handkerchief borders. It consists of a straight skirt, belted
bodice and foundation skirt.
Yardage -8-3/4 yds 44" wide |
1889 Surprise Dress
39 Bust - 25 Waist
This costume is a
variety of the "surprise dress", and consists of a skirt and a redingote
with a jacket front, so contrived, that both the plain jacket and skirt
fronts of the redingote can be fastened back, displaying an interior of the
gayer plaid material, and a vest and belt of dark blue moiré.
Yardage -5-1/2 yds plaid, 6 yds plain
goods, 48" wide |
1889 Henrietta Cloth and Crape Mourning Dress 38
Bust - 24 Waist
This dress
illustrated is of Henrietta cloth trimmed with English Crape. It is
composed of a redingote and a skirt which is trimmed on the front.
Three bans of crape trim the front of the skirt, one at the middle and one
either side, separated by two tucked bands of the woollen material.
Yardage - 10-1/4 yds
of 48" wide wool, 2-1/4 yds of English Crape |
1889 Mourning Dress for Elderly Lady
42 Bust - 29 Waist
The dress illustrated is of Henrietta
cloth, with crape panels let in on the sides of the skirt and crape
plastron, collar, and cuffs on the basque. Pattern also comes with
foundation skirt.
Yardage - 10 yds wool, 48" wide
and 1 1/2 yds of English crape |
1889 Eiffel Red Cloth Gown
38 Bust - 24 Waist
The gown
illustrated is of Eiffel red cloth, trimmed with black moiré ribbon, and
with black braid passementerie on the plastron and sleeves. The
trimming about the armholes is of black moiré, and the bodice has a moiré
ribbon belt and sash bow. Pattern consists of bodice, drapery and
foundation skirt.
yds Eiffel cloth 52" wide, Approx 5 yds 36" wide for foundation skirt |
1889 Blue Gray Cashmere Dress
38 Bust - 24 Waist
The model illustrated
is of blue gray cashmere, trimmed with narrow black silk braid. The
front drapery is bordered with ten rows of the narrow braid across the
bottom. Pattern consists of bodice, drapery and foundation skirt.
(this is a very large pattern)
–8-1/4 yds of cloth 44" wide, approx 5 yds 36" wide for foundation skirt |
1889 Redingote Cloak Trimmed
w/Persian Lamb 40 Bust - 32
In the model, this
redingote cloak is made of dark blue heavy cloth, with revers, collar, and
cuffs of black Persian lamb or Astrakhan.
4-3/4 Yds, 54" wide
1889 Plaid Wool and Cloth
Costume 39 Bust - 26 Waist
The costume illustrated
is of a large-patterned plaid wool in blue and olive shades, combined with
plain material of the two colors represented in the plaid, the underskirt
and blouse front being of olive wool, and the revers collar and cuffs and
the flat folds of the skirt of dark blue cloth. Pattern consists of
jacket, blouse front, skirt drapery and foundation skirt.
– 6 yds plaid 44" wide, 2'1/2 yds of olive 44" wide, 2-1/2 yds blue 44"
wide, approx 5 yds 36" wide for foundation skirt.
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