1869 Needlework


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  Title & Description # & Price
1869 Boy's Knitted Leggings

One Size

The upper and lower portions of the leggings are knitted in Chinchilla, and the middle part in black and white Zephyr wool.



1869 4 Infant's Knitted Items

One Size

Both caps are knitted of fine twisted cotton.  Both jackets were knitted of white knitting cotton.



1869 6 Child's Knitted Items

One Size

Materials for corset are coarse white knitting cotton, linen tape, brass eyelets, large linen buttons and two coarse steel knitting needles.  The petticoat is knitted gored of white woolen yarn. The bib is knitted of white knitting cotton, the frills which border the edges are of crochet cord.  The stocking is knitted of red Zephyr wool.  The legging in the middle is made of black wool and the other is knitted tightly with red Zephyr.




1869 3 Ladies Knitted Items

One Size

Vest is knitted in alternate knit and purl rows.  The mitten is knitted of white wool with a looped cuff.  The knitted glove is knitted of gray and violet Zephyr wool.



1869 4 Knitted Items

One Size

No description of the materials used for these items were given.



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